sca jbi 比较
2. Supporters of JBI view SCAas providing additional service metadata that can help simplify andstandardize service composition within the Java Platform and betweenthe Java Platform and other platforms.
3. Both SCA and JBIare focused on helping developers construct and compose services so itis natural to assume that they are competitors; however, this is notthe case. While both can be used separately, they are also effective touse together because they focus on different aspects of the largerservice composition problem.
4. The reason this is possible is that SCA and JBI target different audiences. The SCAspecifications target end users. They describe how to implement,assemble and deploy applications composed from services. As such, thetarget audience for these specifications is people working in the rolesof developer, assembler and deployer respectively.
5. SCAallows multiple technologies to be used to implement services (e.g.Java, BPEL, C++) and multiple bindings for communicating with services(e.g. Web services or JMS). However, SCA does not describe how you would introduce a new implementation type or new binding into a runtime. This is exactly where JBI is targeted.
6. JBIis a Java Platform integration 'micro kernel' standard that provides anopen architecture in support of multi-vendor Java Composite ApplicationPlatform tools and infrastructure. It defines a set of serviceprovider interfaces for middleware providers to implement if they wantto install new service engines (which correspond to SCA's implementation types) or binding components (which correspond to SCA's bindings) into a JBI-compliant runtime.[@more@]
SCA最早是由IBM、BEA、Oracle、SAP四大家发起的规范,现在已经有18家成员加入了此规范,包括SUN; JBI是由SUN主导的规范;区别如下(偶在国外的一个论坛上摘来的,就不翻译了,还是原汁原味的好) :
1. Supporters of SCA view JBI as a Java Platform standard that can be helpful in implementing SCA on the Java platform.2. Supporters of JBI view SCAas providing additional service metadata that can help simplify andstandardize service composition within the Java Platform and betweenthe Java Platform and other platforms.
3. Both SCA and JBIare focused on helping developers construct and compose services so itis natural to assume that they are competitors; however, this is notthe case. While both can be used separately, they are also effective touse together because they focus on different aspects of the largerservice composition problem.
4. The reason this is possible is that SCA and JBI target different audiences. The SCAspecifications target end users. They describe how to implement,assemble and deploy applications composed from services. As such, thetarget audience for these specifications is people working in the rolesof developer, assembler and deployer respectively.
5. SCAallows multiple technologies to be used to implement services (e.g.Java, BPEL, C++) and multiple bindings for communicating with services(e.g. Web services or JMS). However, SCA does not describe how you would introduce a new implementation type or new binding into a runtime. This is exactly where JBI is targeted.
6. JBIis a Java Platform integration 'micro kernel' standard that provides anopen architecture in support of multi-vendor Java Composite ApplicationPlatform tools and infrastructure. It defines a set of serviceprovider interfaces for middleware providers to implement if they wantto install new service engines (which correspond to SCA's implementation types) or binding components (which correspond to SCA's bindings) into a JBI-compliant runtime.[@more@]