首先,我们在VSTS中创建一Database Project,增一个class, 实现下面的一个方法:
代码如下: /// <summary> /// Regs the ex match. /// </summary> /// <param name="inputValue">The input value.</param> /// <param name="regexPattern">The regex pattern.</param> /// <remarks>Author: Petter Liu http://wintersun.cnblogs.com </remarks> /// <returns>1 match,0 not match</returns> [SqlFunction] public static bool RegExMatch(string inputValue, string regexPattern) { // Any nulls - we can't match, return false if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(regexPattern)) return false; Regex r1 = new Regex(regexPattern.TrimEnd(null)); return r1.Match(inputValue.TrimEnd(null)).Success; }
好了,Build后Deploy到你的Target database就OK了,VisualStudio会自动注册这个程序集的。如果,你想手动注册程序集,可执行以下的T-SQL:
代码如下: CREATE ASSEMBLY [RegExCLR] FROM 'RegExCLR.dll'; -- Add the REGEX function. We want a friendly name -- RegExMatch rather than the full namespace name. -- Note the way we have to specify the Assembly.Namespace.Class.Function -- NOTE the RegExCLR.RegExCLR -- (one is the assembly the other is the namespace) CREATE FUNCTION RegExMatch ( @inputCalue NVARCHAR(4000), @regexPattern NVARCHAR(4000) ) RETURNS BIT AS EXTERNAL NAME RegExCLR.RegExCLR.ClrClass.RegExMatch;
OK, 一切OK的后,我们来测试下: select COUNT(1) from Threads where dbo.RegExMatch(ThreadId,'^[{|\(]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}[-]?([0-9a-fA-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[\)|}]?$')=1 上面的T-SQL是找出Threads表ThreadId是GUID的记录数。 等于1是匹配,^[{|\(]?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}[-]?([0-9a-fA-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}[\)|}]?$ 匹配GUID的正则表达式。 完了,希望这篇POST对您有帮助。您可能对以下POST感兴趣: SQLSERVER2008中CTE的Split与CLR的性能比较 SQLSERVER使用CLR Stored Procedure导出数据到Excel