Sql 中怎么批量查看字符所在的表及字段
这篇文章给大家介绍Sql 中怎么批量查看字符所在的表及字段,内容非常详细,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考借鉴,希望对大家能有所帮助。
代码如下:declare @str varchar(100) set @str='8f8el3l' declare @s varchar(8000) declare tb cursor local for select s='if exists(select 1 from ['+b.name+'] where ['+a.name+'] like ''%'+@str+'%'') print ''所在的表及字段: ['+b.name+'].['+a.name+']''' from syscolumns a join sysobjects b on a.id=b.id where b.xtype='U' and a.status>=0 and a.xusertype in(175,239,231,167) open tb fetch next from tb into @s while @@fetch_status=0 begin exec(@s) fetch next from tb into @s end close tb deallocate tb
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