
以下内容主要适用于mysql 5.6,5.5的版本可能有部分选项不可用。


FormatDescriptionIntroduced--all-databasesCheck all tables in all databases--all-in-1Execute a single statement for each database that names all the tables from that database--analyzeAnalyze the tables--auto-repairIf a checked table is corrupted, automatically fix it--bind-address=ip_addressUse specified network interface to connect to MySQL Server--character-sets-dir=pathDirectory where character sets are installed--checkCheck the tables for errors--check-only-changedCheck only tables that have changed since the last check--check-upgradeInvoke CHECK TABLE with the FOR UPGRADE option--compressCompress all information sent between client and server--databasesProcess all tables in the named databases--debug[=debug_options]Write a debugging log--debug-checkPrint debugging information when program exits--debug-infoPrint debugging information, memory, and CPU statistics when program exits--default-auth=pluginAuthentication plugin to use5.6.2--default-character-set=charset_nameSpecify default character set--defaults-extra-file=file_nameRead option file in addition to usual option files--defaults-file=file_nameRead only named option file--defaults-group-suffix=strOption group suffix value--extendedCheck and repair tables--fastCheck only tables that have not been closed properly--fix-db-namesConvert database names to 5.1 format--fix-table-namesConvert table names to 5.1 format--forceContinue even if an SQL error occurs--helpDisplay help message and exit--host=host_nameConnect to MySQL server on given host--login-path=nameRead login path options from .mylogin.cnf5.6.6--medium-checkDo a check that is faster than an --extended operation--no-defaultsRead no option files--optimizeOptimize the tables--password[=password]Password to use when connecting to server--pipeOn Windows, connect to server using named pipe--plugin-dir=pathDirectory where plugins are installed5.6.2--port=port_numTCP/IP port number to use for connection--print-defaultsPrint defaults--protocol=typeConnection protocol to use--quickThe fastest method of checking--repairPerform a repair that can fix almost anything except unique keys that are not unique--secure-authDo not send passwords to the server in old (pre-4.1.1) format5.6.17--shared-memory-base-name=nameThe name of shared memory to use for shared-memory connections--silentSilent mode--skip-database=db_nameOmit this database from performed operations5.6.11--socket=pathFor connections to localhost, the Unix socket file to use--sslEnable SSL for connection--ssl-ca=file_namePath of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs--ssl-capath=dir_namePath of directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM format--ssl-cert=file_namePath of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format--ssl-cipher=cipher_listList of permitted ciphers to use for SSL encryption--ssl-crl=file_namePath of file that contains certificate revocation lists5.6.3--ssl-crlpath=dir_namePath of directory that contains certificate revocation list files5.6.3--ssl-key=file_namePath of file that contains X509 key in PEM format--ssl-verify-server-certVerify server Common Name value in its certificate against host name used when connecting to server--tablesOverrides the --databases or -B option--use-frmFor repair operations on MyISAM tables--user=user_name,MySQL user name to use when connecting to server--verboseVerbose mode--versionDisplay version information and exit--write-binlogLog ANALYZE, OPTIMIZE, REPAIR statements to binary log. --skip-write-binlog adds NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG to these statements.
