
Beginning with MySQL 5.6, the server generates a true UUID in addition to the--server-idsupplied by the user. This is available as the global, read-only variableserver_uuid.
<table frame="box" rules="all" summary="Properties for server_uuid" ">

PropertyValueSystem Variableserver_uuidScopeGlobalDynamicNoTypestring

When starting, the MySQL server automatically obtains a UUID as follows:

Attempt to read and use the UUID written in the filedata_dir/auto.cnf(wheredata_diris the server's data directory).

Ifdata_dir/auto.cnfis not found, generate a new UUID and save it to this file, creating the file if necessary.

Theauto.cnffile has a format similar to that used formy.cnformy.inifiles. In MySQL 5.6,auto.cnfhas only a single[auto]section containing a singleserver_uuidsetting and value; the file's contents appear similar to what is shown here:



Theauto.cnffile is automatically generated; do not attempt to write or modify this file.

In MySQL 5.6.5 and later, a server'sserver_uuidis also used in GTIDs for transactions originating on that server. For more information

When starting, the slave I/O thread generates an error and aborts if its master's UUID is equal to its own unless the--replicate-same-server-idoption has been set.


Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work.


mv auto.cnf auto.cnf.bk
