初始化Index Scan运行期状态信息,调用ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo->…->ExecBuildProjectionInfo函数构建投影信息.
为给定的econtext中的tlist构建ProjectionInfo,并把结果存储在tuple slot中.(调用者必须确保元组slot与此tlist匹配)
* ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo
* Set up projection info for a scan node, if necessary.
* ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo
* 为扫描节点配置投影信息.
* We can avoid a projection step if the requested tlist exactly matches
* the underlying tuple type. If so, we just set ps_ProjInfo to NULL.
* Note that this case occurs not only for simple "SELECT * FROM ...", but
* also in most cases where there are joins or other processing nodes above
* the scan node, because the planner will preferentially generate a matching
* tlist.
* 如果请求的tlist刚好与潜在的tuple类型相匹配,则可以避免投影这一步骤.
* 因此,只需要简单的把ps_ProjInfo设置为NULL即可.
* 注意这种情况不单在"SELECT * FROM ..."时会出现,
* 而且在存在连接或者其他处理节点在扫描节点的上层时也会发生,
* 因为规划器会优先生成匹配的tlist.
* The scan slot's descriptor must have been set already.
* 扫描slot的描述符必须已设置.
ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo(ScanState *node)
Scan *scan = (Scan *) node->ps.plan;
TupleDesc tupdesc = node->ss_ScanTupleSlot->tts_tupleDescriptor;
ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(&node->ps, tupdesc, scan->scanrelid);
/* ----------------
* ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo
* as ExecAssignProjectionInfo, but store NULL rather than building projection
* info if no projection is required
* 与ExecAssignProjectionInfo类似,但在不需要投影操作时只需要存储NULL而不是构建投影信息
* ----------------
ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo(PlanState *planstate, TupleDesc inputDesc,
Index varno)
if (tlist_matches_tupdesc(planstate,
planstate->ps_ProjInfo = NULL;
ExecAssignProjectionInfo(planstate, inputDesc);
/* ----------------
* ExecAssignProjectionInfo
* forms the projection information from the node's targetlist
* 通过节点的targetlist构造投影信息.
* Notes for inputDesc are same as for ExecBuildProjectionInfo: supply it
* for a relation-scan node, can pass NULL for upper-level nodes
* 注意inputDesc与ExecBuildProjectionInfo的一样:
* 为relation-scan节点提供该描述符,可能为高层的节点传递NULL值
* ----------------
ExecAssignProjectionInfo(PlanState *planstate,
TupleDesc inputDesc)
planstate->ps_ProjInfo =
* ExecBuildProjectionInfo
* Build a ProjectionInfo node for evaluating the given tlist in the given
* econtext, and storing the result into the tuple slot. (Caller must have
* ensured that tuple slot has a descriptor matching the tlist!)
* 为给定的econtext中的tlist构建ProjectionInfo,并把结果存储在tuple slot中.
* (调用者必须确保元组slot与此tlist匹配)
* inputDesc can be NULL, but if it is not, we check to see whether simple
* Vars in the tlist match the descriptor. It is important to provide
* inputDesc for relation-scan plan nodes, as a cross check that the relation
* hasn't been changed since the plan was made. At higher levels of a plan,
* there is no need to recheck.
* inputDesc可以为NULL,但如果不是,检查tlist中的简单Vars是否与描述符匹配.
* 对于relation-scan节点来说,提供inputDesc是十分重要的,
* 交叉检查在plan已生成的情况下relation没有出现变化.
* 而plan更高的层次,则不需要重新检查.
* This is implemented by internally building an ExprState that performs the
* whole projection in one go.
* 通过内部构造ExprState(在一轮执行中完成整个投影操作)来实现.
* Caution: before PG v10, the targetList was a list of ExprStates; now it
* should be the planner-created targetlist, since we do the compilation here.
* 注意:在PG v10前,targetlist是ExprState链表,现在tlist应该是planner创建的targetlist,
* 如不是则需报错.
ProjectionInfo *
ExecBuildProjectionInfo(List *targetList,
ExprContext *econtext,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
PlanState *parent,
TupleDesc inputDesc)
ProjectionInfo *projInfo = makeNode(ProjectionInfo);
ExprState *state;
ExprEvalStep scratch = {0};
ListCell *lc;
projInfo->pi_exprContext = econtext;
/* We embed ExprState into ProjectionInfo instead of doing extra palloc */
projInfo->pi_state.tag.type = T_ExprState;
state = &projInfo->pi_state;
state->expr = (Expr *) targetList;
state->parent = parent;
state->ext_params = NULL;
state->resultslot = slot;
/* Insert EEOP_*_FETCHSOME steps as needed */
ExecInitExprSlots(state, (Node *) targetList);
/* Now compile each tlist column */
foreach(lc, targetList)
TargetEntry *tle = lfirst_node(TargetEntry, lc);
Var *variable = NULL;
AttrNumber attnum = 0;
bool isSafeVar = false;
* If tlist expression is a safe non-system Var, use the fast-path
* ASSIGN_*_VAR opcodes. "Safe" means that we don't need to apply
* CheckVarSlotCompatibility() during plan startup. If a source slot
* was provided, we make the equivalent tests here; if a slot was not
* provided, we assume that no check is needed because we're dealing
* with a non-relation-scan-level expression.
* 如果tlist表达式是安全的非系统Var,使用快速路径ASSIGN_*_VAR opcodes.
* "Safe"的意思是在计划启动执行时我们不需要应用CheckVarSlotCompatibility().
* 如果提供了源slot,假定不需要再做检查,因为我们正在处理的是非关系扫描级别的表达式.
if (tle->expr != NULL &&
IsA(tle->expr, Var) &&
((Var *) tle->expr)->varattno > 0)
/* Non-system Var, but how safe is it? */
variable = (Var *) tle->expr;
attnum = variable->varattno;
if (inputDesc == NULL)
isSafeVar = true; /* can't check, just assume OK */
else if (attnum <= inputDesc->natts)
//---- 属性编号小于输入的属性个数
Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(inputDesc, attnum - 1);
* If user attribute is dropped or has a type mismatch, don't
* use ASSIGN_*_VAR. Instead let the normal expression
* machinery handle it (which'll possibly error out).
* 如果用户属性已被清除或者有类型不匹配,不要使用ASSIGN_*_VAR.
* 让常规的表达式匹配处理这周情况(可能会出现错误)
if (!attr->attisdropped && variable->vartype == attr->atttypid)
isSafeVar = true;
if (isSafeVar)
//--- 如为安全的Var
/* Fast-path: just generate an EEOP_ASSIGN_*_VAR step */
//Fast-path: 只需要生成EEOP_ASSIGN_*_VAR步骤即可
switch (variable->varno)
/* get the tuple from the inner node */
scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_INNER_VAR;
/* get the tuple from the outer node */
scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_OUTER_VAR;
/* INDEX_VAR is handled by default case */
/* get the tuple from the relation being scanned */
scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_SCAN_VAR;
scratch.d.assign_var.attnum = attnum - 1;
scratch.d.assign_var.resultnum = tle->resno - 1;
ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
* Otherwise, compile the column expression normally.
* 否则的话,使用常规办法"编译"列表达式
* We can't tell the expression to evaluate directly into the
* result slot, as the result slot (and the exprstate for that
* matter) can change between executions. We instead evaluate
* into the ExprState's resvalue/resnull and then move.
* 我们不能够直接告知表达式进行解析到结果slot中,
* 因为结果slot(以及这种情况下的exprstate)在执行期间会出现变化.
* 我们只需要解析到ExprState's的resvalue/resnull中并进行移动即可.
ExecInitExprRec(tle->expr, state,
&state->resvalue, &state->resnull);
* Column might be referenced multiple times in upper nodes, so
* force value to R/O - but only if it could be an expanded datum.
* 列可能在高层节点被依赖多次,因此强制值为R/O - 只在可扩展datum时才这样处理
if (get_typlen(exprType((Node *) tle->expr)) == -1)
scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_TMP_MAKE_RO;
scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_TMP;
scratch.d.assign_tmp.resultnum = tle->resno - 1;
ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
scratch.opcode = EEOP_DONE;
ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
return projInfo;
testdb=# select 1+id,c2 from t_expr where id < 3;
(gdb) bt
#0 ExecBuildProjectionInfo (targetList=0x1cc7550, econtext=0x1c8f408, slot=0x1c8f710, parent=0x1c8f1f0,
inputDesc=0x7f8386bb6ab8) at execExpr.c:355
#1 0x00000000006e60d5 in ExecAssignProjectionInfo (planstate=0x1c8f1f0, inputDesc=0x7f8386bb6ab8) at execUtils.c:468
#2 0x00000000006e613c in ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo (planstate=0x1c8f1f0, inputDesc=0x7f8386bb6ab8, varno=1)
at execUtils.c:493
#3 0x00000000006e23f5 in ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo (node=0x1c8f1f0) at execScan.c:240
#4 0x0000000000700afc in ExecInitIndexScan (node=0x1ba8a18, estate=0x1c8efd8, eflags=16) at nodeIndexscan.c:962
#5 0x00000000006e00cc in ExecInitNode (node=0x1ba8a18, estate=0x1c8efd8, eflags=16) at execProcnode.c:217
#6 0x00000000006d6abe in InitPlan (queryDesc=0x1c94aa8, eflags=16) at execMain.c:1046
#7 0x00000000006d58ad in standard_ExecutorStart (queryDesc=0x1c94aa8, eflags=16) at execMain.c:265
#8 0x00000000006d5649 in ExecutorStart (queryDesc=0x1c94aa8, eflags=0) at execMain.c:147
#9 0x00000000008c18d6 in PortalStart (portal=0x1c15608, params=0x0, eflags=0, snapshot=0x0) at pquery.c:520
#10 0x00000000008bbe1b in exec_simple_query (query_string=0x1ba6d78 "select 1+id,c2 from t_expr where id < 3;")
at postgres.c:1106
#11 0x00000000008c0191 in PostgresMain (argc=1, argv=0x1bd4cb8, dbname=0x1bd4b20 "testdb", username=0x1ba3a98 "xdb")
at postgres.c:4182
#12 0x000000000081e06c in BackendRun (port=0x1bc8ae0) at postmaster.c:4361
#13 0x000000000081d7df in BackendStartup (port=0x1bc8ae0) at postmaster.c:4033
#14 0x0000000000819bd9 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1706
#15 0x000000000081948f in PostmasterMain (argc=1, argv=0x1ba1a50) at postmaster.c:1379
#16 0x0000000000742931 in main (argc=1, argv=0x1ba1a50) at main.c:228
(gdb) b ExecBuildProjectionInfo
Breakpoint 1 at 0x6c5377: file execExpr.c, line 355.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, ExecBuildProjectionInfo (targetList=0x1c93498, econtext=0x1c883a8, slot=0x1c887c8, parent=0x1c88190,
inputDesc=0x1c884a0) at execExpr.c:355
355 ProjectionInfo *projInfo = makeNode(ProjectionInfo);
(gdb) n
357 ExprEvalStep scratch = {0};
360 projInfo->pi_exprContext = econtext;
362 projInfo->pi_state.tag.type = T_ExprState;
363 state = &projInfo->pi_state;
364 state->expr = (Expr *) targetList;
365 state->parent = parent;
366 state->ext_params = NULL;
368 state->resultslot = slot;
(gdb) p *state
$1 = {tag = {type = T_ExprState}, flags = 0 '\000', resnull = false, resvalue = 0, resultslot = 0x1c8f710, steps = 0x0,
evalfunc = 0x0, expr = 0x1cc7550, evalfunc_private = 0x0, steps_len = 0, steps_alloc = 0, parent = 0x1c8f1f0,
ext_params = 0x0, innermost_caseval = 0x0, innermost_casenull = 0x0, innermost_domainval = 0x0,
innermost_domainnull = 0x0}
(gdb) p targetList
$2 = (List *) 0x1cc7550
(gdb) p *targetList
$3 = {type = T_List, length = 2, head = 0x1cc7528, tail = 0x1cc75e0}
(gdb) p *(TargetEntry *)targetList->head->data.ptr_value
$7 = {xpr = {type = T_TargetEntry}, expr = 0x1c9a930, resno = 1, resname = 0xbcf498 "?column?", ressortgroupref = 0,
resorigtbl = 0, resorigcol = 0, resjunk = false}
(gdb) p *(OpExpr *)((TargetEntry *)targetList->head->data.ptr_value)->expr
$9 = {xpr = {type = T_OpExpr}, opno = 551, opfuncid = 177, opresulttype = 23, opretset = false, opcollid = 0,
inputcollid = 0, args = 0x1c9a878, location = 8}
(gdb) p *(Node *)targetList->head->next->data.ptr_value
$10 = {type = T_TargetEntry}
(gdb) p *(TargetEntry *)targetList->head->next->data.ptr_value
$11 = {xpr = {type = T_TargetEntry}, expr = 0x1c9aa40, resno = 2, resname = 0x1ba7a40 "c2", ressortgroupref = 0,
resorigtbl = 237600, resorigcol = 2, resjunk = false}
371 ExecInitExprSlots(state, (Node *) targetList);
第一个步骤,opcode = 3,即EEOP_SCAN_FETCHSOME
(gdb) n
374 foreach(lc, targetList)
(gdb) p *state
$13 = {tag = {type = T_ExprState}, flags = 0 '\000', resnull = false, resvalue = 0, resultslot = 0x1c8f710,
steps = 0x1c8f868, evalfunc = 0x0, expr = 0x1cc7550, evalfunc_private = 0x0, steps_len = 1, steps_alloc = 16,
parent = 0x1c8f1f0, ext_params = 0x0, innermost_caseval = 0x0, innermost_casenull = 0x0, innermost_domainval = 0x0,
innermost_domainnull = 0x0}
(gdb) p state->steps[0]
$14 = {opcode = 3, resvalue = 0x0, resnull = 0x0, d = {fetch = {last_var = 2, known_desc = 0x0}, var = {attnum = 2,
vartype = 0}, wholerow = {var = 0x2, first = false, slow = false, tupdesc = 0x0, junkFilter = 0x0}, assign_var = {
resultnum = 2, attnum = 0}, assign_tmp = {resultnum = 2}, constval = {value = 2, isnull = false}, func = {
finfo = 0x2, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, nargs = 0}, boolexpr = {anynull = 0x2, jumpdone = 0}, qualexpr = {
jumpdone = 2}, jump = {jumpdone = 2}, nulltest_row = {argdesc = 0x2}, param = {paramid = 2, paramtype = 0}, cparam = {
paramfunc = 0x2, paramarg = 0x0, paramid = 0, paramtype = 0}, casetest = {value = 0x2, isnull = 0x0},
make_readonly = {value = 0x2, isnull = 0x0}, iocoerce = {finfo_out = 0x2, fcinfo_data_out = 0x0, finfo_in = 0x0,
fcinfo_data_in = 0x0}, sqlvaluefunction = {svf = 0x2}, nextvalueexpr = {seqid = 2, seqtypid = 0}, arrayexpr = {
elemvalues = 0x2, elemnulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, elemtype = 0, elemlength = 0, elembyval = false, elemalign = 0 '\000',
multidims = false}, arraycoerce = {elemexprstate = 0x2, resultelemtype = 0, amstate = 0x0}, row = {tupdesc = 0x2,
elemvalues = 0x0, elemnulls = 0x0}, rowcompare_step = {finfo = 0x2, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, jumpnull = 0,
jumpdone = 0}, rowcompare_final = {rctype = ROWCOMPARE_LE}, minmax = {values = 0x2, nulls = 0x0, nelems = 0,
op = IS_GREATEST, finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0}, fieldselect = {fieldnum = 2, resulttype = 0, argdesc = 0x0},
fieldstore = {fstore = 0x2, argdesc = 0x0, values = 0x0, nulls = 0x0, ncolumns = 0}, arrayref_subscript = {state = 0x2,
off = 0, isupper = false, jumpdone = 0}, arrayref = {state = 0x2}, domaincheck = {
constraintname = 0x2 <Address 0x2 out of bounds>, checkvalue = 0x0, checknull = 0x0, resulttype = 0},
convert_rowtype = {convert = 0x2, indesc = 0x0, outdesc = 0x0, map = 0x0, initialized = false}, scalararrayop = {
element_type = 2, useOr = false, typlen = 0, typbyval = false, typalign = 0 '\000', finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0,
fn_addr = 0x0}, xmlexpr = {xexpr = 0x2, named_argvalue = 0x0, named_argnull = 0x0, argvalue = 0x0, argnull = 0x0},
aggref = {astate = 0x2}, grouping_func = {parent = 0x2, clauses = 0x0}, window_func = {wfstate = 0x2}, subplan = {
sstate = 0x2}, alternative_subplan = {asstate = 0x2}, agg_deserialize = {aggstate = 0x2, fcinfo_data = 0x0,
jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_input_check = {nulls = 0x2, nargs = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_init_trans = {aggstate = 0x2,
pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_trans_check = {
aggstate = 0x2, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_trans = {aggstate = 0x2, pertrans = 0x0,
aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0}}}
(gdb) n
376 TargetEntry *tle = lfirst_node(TargetEntry, lc);
377 Var *variable = NULL;
378 AttrNumber attnum = 0;
379 bool isSafeVar = false;
389 if (tle->expr != NULL &&
390 IsA(tle->expr, Var) &&
389 if (tle->expr != NULL &&
415 if (isSafeVar)
(gdb) p *tle
$15 = {xpr = {type = T_TargetEntry}, expr = 0x1c9a930, resno = 1, resname = 0xbcf498 "?column?", ressortgroupref = 0,
resorigtbl = 0, resorigcol = 0, resjunk = false}
(gdb) n
452 ExecInitExprRec(tle->expr, state,
(gdb) step
ExecInitExprRec (node=0x1c9a930, state=0x1c8f7d8, resv=0x1c8f7e0, resnull=0x1c8f7dd) at execExpr.c:645
645 ExprEvalStep scratch = {0};
(gdb) n
648 check_stack_depth();
651 Assert(resv != NULL && resnull != NULL);
652 scratch.resvalue = resv;
653 scratch.resnull = resnull;
656 switch (nodeTag(node))
891 OpExpr *op = (OpExpr *) node;
(gdb) p *node
$16 = {type = T_OpExpr}
(gdb) n
893 ExecInitFunc(&scratch, node,
896 ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
897 break;
2122 }
ExecBuildProjectionInfo (targetList=0x1cc7550, econtext=0x1c8f408, slot=0x1c8f710, parent=0x1c8f1f0,
inputDesc=0x7f8386bb6ab8) at execExpr.c:459
459 if (get_typlen(exprType((Node *) tle->expr)) == -1)
462 scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_TMP;
1.opcode = 6,即EEOP_SCAN_VAR
(gdb) p *state
$17 = {tag = {type = T_ExprState}, flags = 0 '\000', resnull = false, resvalue = 0, resultslot = 0x1c8f710,
steps = 0x1c8f868, evalfunc = 0x0, expr = 0x1cc7550, evalfunc_private = 0x0, steps_len = 3, steps_alloc = 16,
parent = 0x1c8f1f0, ext_params = 0x0, innermost_caseval = 0x0, innermost_casenull = 0x0, innermost_domainval = 0x0,
innermost_domainnull = 0x0}
(gdb) p state->steps[1]
$18 = {opcode = 6, resvalue = 0x1c8fd00, resnull = 0x1c90019, d = {fetch = {last_var = 0, known_desc = 0x0}, var = {
attnum = 0, vartype = 23}, wholerow = {var = 0x1700000000, first = false, slow = false, tupdesc = 0x0,
junkFilter = 0x0}, assign_var = {resultnum = 0, attnum = 23}, assign_tmp = {resultnum = 0}, constval = {
value = 98784247808, isnull = false}, func = {finfo = 0x1700000000, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, nargs = 0},
boolexpr = {anynull = 0x1700000000, jumpdone = 0}, qualexpr = {jumpdone = 0}, jump = {jumpdone = 0}, nulltest_row = {
argdesc = 0x1700000000}, param = {paramid = 0, paramtype = 23}, cparam = {paramfunc = 0x1700000000, paramarg = 0x0,
paramid = 0, paramtype = 0}, casetest = {value = 0x1700000000, isnull = 0x0}, make_readonly = {value = 0x1700000000,
isnull = 0x0}, iocoerce = {finfo_out = 0x1700000000, fcinfo_data_out = 0x0, finfo_in = 0x0, fcinfo_data_in = 0x0},
sqlvaluefunction = {svf = 0x1700000000}, nextvalueexpr = {seqid = 0, seqtypid = 23}, arrayexpr = {
elemvalues = 0x1700000000, elemnulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, elemtype = 0, elemlength = 0, elembyval = false,
elemalign = 0 '\000', multidims = false}, arraycoerce = {elemexprstate = 0x1700000000, resultelemtype = 0,
amstate = 0x0}, row = {tupdesc = 0x1700000000, elemvalues = 0x0, elemnulls = 0x0}, rowcompare_step = {
finfo = 0x1700000000, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, jumpnull = 0, jumpdone = 0}, rowcompare_final = {rctype = 0},
minmax = {values = 0x1700000000, nulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, op = IS_GREATEST, finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0},
fieldselect = {fieldnum = 0, resulttype = 23, argdesc = 0x0}, fieldstore = {fstore = 0x1700000000, argdesc = 0x0,
values = 0x0, nulls = 0x0, ncolumns = 0}, arrayref_subscript = {state = 0x1700000000, off = 0, isupper = false,
jumpdone = 0}, arrayref = {state = 0x1700000000}, domaincheck = {
constraintname = 0x1700000000 <Address 0x1700000000 out of bounds>, checkvalue = 0x0, checknull = 0x0,
resulttype = 0}, convert_rowtype = {convert = 0x1700000000, indesc = 0x0, outdesc = 0x0, map = 0x0,
initialized = false}, scalararrayop = {element_type = 0, useOr = 23, typlen = 0, typbyval = false,
typalign = 0 '\000', finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0}, xmlexpr = {xexpr = 0x1700000000,
named_argvalue = 0x0, named_argnull = 0x0, argvalue = 0x0, argnull = 0x0}, aggref = {astate = 0x1700000000},
grouping_func = {parent = 0x1700000000, clauses = 0x0}, window_func = {wfstate = 0x1700000000}, subplan = {
sstate = 0x1700000000}, alternative_subplan = {asstate = 0x1700000000}, agg_deserialize = {aggstate = 0x1700000000,
fcinfo_data = 0x0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_input_check = {nulls = 0x1700000000, nargs = 0, jumpnull = 0},
agg_init_trans = {aggstate = 0x1700000000, pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0,
jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_trans_check = {aggstate = 0x1700000000, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0},
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
agg_trans = {aggstate = 0x1700000000, pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0}}}
(gdb) p state->steps[2]
$19 = {opcode = 18, resvalue = 0x1c8f7e0, resnull = 0x1c8f7dd, d = {fetch = {last_var = 29949056, known_desc = 0x1c8fcd8},
var = {attnum = 29949056, vartype = 0}, wholerow = {var = 0x1c8fc80, first = 216, slow = 252,
tupdesc = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, junkFilter = 0x2}, assign_var = {resultnum = 29949056, attnum = 0}, assign_tmp = {
resultnum = 29949056}, constval = {value = 29949056, isnull = 216}, func = {finfo = 0x1c8fc80,
fcinfo_data = 0x1c8fcd8, fn_addr = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, nargs = 2}, boolexpr = {anynull = 0x1c8fc80,
jumpdone = 29949144}, qualexpr = {jumpdone = 29949056}, jump = {jumpdone = 29949056}, nulltest_row = {
argdesc = 0x1c8fc80}, param = {paramid = 29949056, paramtype = 0}, cparam = {paramfunc = 0x1c8fc80,
paramarg = 0x1c8fcd8, paramid = 9688588, paramtype = 0}, casetest = {value = 0x1c8fc80, isnull = 0x1c8fcd8},
make_readonly = {value = 0x1c8fc80, isnull = 0x1c8fcd8}, iocoerce = {finfo_out = 0x1c8fc80,
fcinfo_data_out = 0x1c8fcd8, finfo_in = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, fcinfo_data_in = 0x2}, sqlvaluefunction = {
svf = 0x1c8fc80}, nextvalueexpr = {seqid = 29949056, seqtypid = 0}, arrayexpr = {elemvalues = 0x1c8fc80,
elemnulls = 0x1c8fcd8, nelems = 9688588, elemtype = 0, elemlength = 2, elembyval = false, elemalign = 0 '\000',
multidims = false}, arraycoerce = {elemexprstate = 0x1c8fc80, resultelemtype = 29949144,
amstate = 0x93d60c <int4pl>}, row = {tupdesc = 0x1c8fc80, elemvalues = 0x1c8fcd8, elemnulls = 0x93d60c <int4pl>},
rowcompare_step = {finfo = 0x1c8fc80, fcinfo_data = 0x1c8fcd8, fn_addr = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, jumpnull = 2,
jumpdone = 0}, rowcompare_final = {rctype = 29949056}, minmax = {values = 0x1c8fc80, nulls = 0x1c8fcd8,
nelems = 9688588, op = IS_GREATEST, finfo = 0x2, fcinfo_data = 0x0}, fieldselect = {fieldnum = -896, resulttype = 0,
argdesc = 0x1c8fcd8}, fieldstore = {fstore = 0x1c8fc80, argdesc = 0x1c8fcd8, values = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, nulls = 0x2,
ncolumns = 0}, arrayref_subscript = {state = 0x1c8fc80, off = 29949144, isupper = false, jumpdone = 9688588},
arrayref = {state = 0x1c8fc80}, domaincheck = {constraintname = 0x1c8fc80 "\f֓", checkvalue = 0x1c8fcd8,
checknull = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, resulttype = 2}, convert_rowtype = {convert = 0x1c8fc80, indesc = 0x1c8fcd8,
outdesc = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, map = 0x2, initialized = false}, scalararrayop = {element_type = 29949056,
useOr = false, typlen = 0, typbyval = 216, typalign = -4 '\374', finfo = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, fcinfo_data = 0x2,
fn_addr = 0x0}, xmlexpr = {xexpr = 0x1c8fc80, named_argvalue = 0x1c8fcd8, named_argnull = 0x93d60c <int4pl>,
argvalue = 0x2, argnull = 0x0}, aggref = {astate = 0x1c8fc80}, grouping_func = {parent = 0x1c8fc80,
clauses = 0x1c8fcd8}, window_func = {wfstate = 0x1c8fc80}, subplan = {sstate = 0x1c8fc80}, alternative_subplan = {
asstate = 0x1c8fc80}, agg_deserialize = {aggstate = 0x1c8fc80, fcinfo_data = 0x1c8fcd8, jumpnull = 9688588},
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
agg_strict_input_check = {nulls = 0x1c8fc80, nargs = 29949144, jumpnull = 0}, agg_init_trans = {aggstate = 0x1c8fc80,
pertrans = 0x1c8fcd8, aggcontext = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, setno = 2, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0},
agg_strict_trans_check = {aggstate = 0x1c8fc80, setno = 29949144, transno = 0, setoff = 9688588, jumpnull = 0},
agg_trans = {aggstate = 0x1c8fc80, pertrans = 0x1c8fcd8, aggcontext = 0x93d60c <int4pl>, setno = 2, transno = 0,
setoff = 0}}}
压入对应该表达式列的编号,opcode = 14,即EEOP_ASSIGN_TMP
(gdb) n
463 scratch.d.assign_tmp.resultnum = tle->resno - 1;
464 ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
374 foreach(lc, targetList)
(gdb) p *state
$20 = {tag = {type = T_ExprState}, flags = 0 '\000', resnull = false, resvalue = 0, resultslot = 0x1c8f710,
steps = 0x1c8f868, evalfunc = 0x0, expr = 0x1cc7550, evalfunc_private = 0x0, steps_len = 4, steps_alloc = 16,
parent = 0x1c8f1f0, ext_params = 0x0, innermost_caseval = 0x0, innermost_casenull = 0x0, innermost_domainval = 0x0,
innermost_domainnull = 0x0}
(gdb) p state->steps[3]
$21 = {opcode = 14, resvalue = 0x0, resnull = 0x0, d = {fetch = {last_var = 0, known_desc = 0x0}, var = {attnum = 0,
vartype = 0}, wholerow = {var = 0x0, first = false, slow = false, tupdesc = 0x0, junkFilter = 0x0}, assign_var = {
resultnum = 0, attnum = 0}, assign_tmp = {resultnum = 0}, constval = {value = 0, isnull = false}, func = {
finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, nargs = 0}, boolexpr = {anynull = 0x0, jumpdone = 0}, qualexpr = {
jumpdone = 0}, jump = {jumpdone = 0}, nulltest_row = {argdesc = 0x0}, param = {paramid = 0, paramtype = 0}, cparam = {
paramfunc = 0x0, paramarg = 0x0, paramid = 0, paramtype = 0}, casetest = {value = 0x0, isnull = 0x0},
make_readonly = {value = 0x0, isnull = 0x0}, iocoerce = {finfo_out = 0x0, fcinfo_data_out = 0x0, finfo_in = 0x0,
fcinfo_data_in = 0x0}, sqlvaluefunction = {svf = 0x0}, nextvalueexpr = {seqid = 0, seqtypid = 0}, arrayexpr = {
elemvalues = 0x0, elemnulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, elemtype = 0, elemlength = 0, elembyval = false, elemalign = 0 '\000',
multidims = false}, arraycoerce = {elemexprstate = 0x0, resultelemtype = 0, amstate = 0x0}, row = {tupdesc = 0x0,
elemvalues = 0x0, elemnulls = 0x0}, rowcompare_step = {finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, jumpnull = 0,
jumpdone = 0}, rowcompare_final = {rctype = 0}, minmax = {values = 0x0, nulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, op = IS_GREATEST,
finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0}, fieldselect = {fieldnum = 0, resulttype = 0, argdesc = 0x0}, fieldstore = {
fstore = 0x0, argdesc = 0x0, values = 0x0, nulls = 0x0, ncolumns = 0}, arrayref_subscript = {state = 0x0, off = 0,
isupper = false, jumpdone = 0}, arrayref = {state = 0x0}, domaincheck = {constraintname = 0x0, checkvalue = 0x0,
checknull = 0x0, resulttype = 0}, convert_rowtype = {convert = 0x0, indesc = 0x0, outdesc = 0x0, map = 0x0,
initialized = false}, scalararrayop = {element_type = 0, useOr = false, typlen = 0, typbyval = false,
typalign = 0 '\000', finfo = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0}, xmlexpr = {xexpr = 0x0, named_argvalue = 0x0,
named_argnull = 0x0, argvalue = 0x0, argnull = 0x0}, aggref = {astate = 0x0}, grouping_func = {parent = 0x0,
clauses = 0x0}, window_func = {wfstate = 0x0}, subplan = {sstate = 0x0}, alternative_subplan = {asstate = 0x0},
agg_deserialize = {aggstate = 0x0, fcinfo_data = 0x0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_input_check = {nulls = 0x0, nargs = 0,
jumpnull = 0}, agg_init_trans = {aggstate = 0x0, pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0,
setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_trans_check = {aggstate = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0,
jumpnull = 0}, agg_trans = {aggstate = 0x0, pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0}}}
(gdb) n
376 TargetEntry *tle = lfirst_node(TargetEntry, lc);
377 Var *variable = NULL;
(gdb) p *tle
$22 = {xpr = {type = T_TargetEntry}, expr = 0x1c9aa40, resno = 2, resname = 0x1ba7a40 "c2", ressortgroupref = 0,
resorigtbl = 237600, resorigcol = 2, resjunk = false}
(gdb) n
378 AttrNumber attnum = 0;
379 bool isSafeVar = false;
389 if (tle->expr != NULL &&
390 IsA(tle->expr, Var) &&
389 if (tle->expr != NULL &&
391 ((Var *) tle->expr)->varattno > 0)
390 IsA(tle->expr, Var) &&
394 variable = (Var *) tle->expr;
395 attnum = variable->varattno;
397 if (inputDesc == NULL)
399 else if (attnum <= inputDesc->natts)
401 Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(inputDesc, attnum - 1);
408 if (!attr->attisdropped && variable->vartype == attr->atttypid)
410 isSafeVar = true;
415 if (isSafeVar)
418 switch (variable->varno)
434 scratch.opcode = EEOP_ASSIGN_SCAN_VAR;
435 break;
438 scratch.d.assign_var.attnum = attnum - 1;
439 scratch.d.assign_var.resultnum = tle->resno - 1;
440 ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
(gdb) p *state
$23 = {tag = {type = T_ExprState}, flags = 0 '\000', resnull = false, resvalue = 0, resultslot = 0x1c8f710,
steps = 0x1c8f868, evalfunc = 0x0, expr = 0x1cc7550, evalfunc_private = 0x0, steps_len = 4, steps_alloc = 16,
parent = 0x1c8f1f0, ext_params = 0x0, innermost_caseval = 0x0, innermost_casenull = 0x0, innermost_domainval = 0x0,
innermost_domainnull = 0x0}
(gdb) n
374 foreach(lc, targetList)
(gdb) p *state
$24 = {tag = {type = T_ExprState}, flags = 0 '\000', resnull = false, resvalue = 0, resultslot = 0x1c8f710,
steps = 0x1c8f868, evalfunc = 0x0, expr = 0x1cc7550, evalfunc_private = 0x0, steps_len = 5, steps_alloc = 16,
parent = 0x1c8f1f0, ext_params = 0x0, innermost_caseval = 0x0, innermost_casenull = 0x0, innermost_domainval = 0x0,
innermost_domainnull = 0x0}
(gdb) p state->steps[4]
$25 = {opcode = 13, resvalue = 0x0, resnull = 0x0, d = {fetch = {last_var = 1, known_desc = 0x0}, var = {attnum = 1,
vartype = 1}, wholerow = {var = 0x100000001, first = false, slow = false, tupdesc = 0x0, junkFilter = 0x0},
assign_var = {resultnum = 1, attnum = 1}, assign_tmp = {resultnum = 1}, constval = {value = 4294967297,
isnull = false}, func = {finfo = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, nargs = 0}, boolexpr = {
anynull = 0x100000001, jumpdone = 0}, qualexpr = {jumpdone = 1}, jump = {jumpdone = 1}, nulltest_row = {
argdesc = 0x100000001}, param = {paramid = 1, paramtype = 1}, cparam = {paramfunc = 0x100000001, paramarg = 0x0,
paramid = 0, paramtype = 0}, casetest = {value = 0x100000001, isnull = 0x0}, make_readonly = {value = 0x100000001,
isnull = 0x0}, iocoerce = {finfo_out = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data_out = 0x0, finfo_in = 0x0, fcinfo_data_in = 0x0},
sqlvaluefunction = {svf = 0x100000001}, nextvalueexpr = {seqid = 1, seqtypid = 1}, arrayexpr = {
elemvalues = 0x100000001, elemnulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, elemtype = 0, elemlength = 0, elembyval = false,
elemalign = 0 '\000', multidims = false}, arraycoerce = {elemexprstate = 0x100000001, resultelemtype = 0,
amstate = 0x0}, row = {tupdesc = 0x100000001, elemvalues = 0x0, elemnulls = 0x0}, rowcompare_step = {
finfo = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, jumpnull = 0, jumpdone = 0}, rowcompare_final = {
rctype = ROWCOMPARE_LT}, minmax = {values = 0x100000001, nulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, op = IS_GREATEST, finfo = 0x0,
fcinfo_data = 0x0}, fieldselect = {fieldnum = 1, resulttype = 1, argdesc = 0x0}, fieldstore = {fstore = 0x100000001,
argdesc = 0x0, values = 0x0, nulls = 0x0, ncolumns = 0}, arrayref_subscript = {state = 0x100000001, off = 0,
isupper = false, jumpdone = 0}, arrayref = {state = 0x100000001}, domaincheck = {
constraintname = 0x100000001 <Address 0x100000001 out of bounds>, checkvalue = 0x0, checknull = 0x0, resulttype = 0},
convert_rowtype = {convert = 0x100000001, indesc = 0x0, outdesc = 0x0, map = 0x0, initialized = false},
scalararrayop = {element_type = 1, useOr = true, typlen = 0, typbyval = false, typalign = 0 '\000', finfo = 0x0,
fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0}, xmlexpr = {xexpr = 0x100000001, named_argvalue = 0x0, named_argnull = 0x0,
argvalue = 0x0, argnull = 0x0}, aggref = {astate = 0x100000001}, grouping_func = {parent = 0x100000001,
clauses = 0x0}, window_func = {wfstate = 0x100000001}, subplan = {sstate = 0x100000001}, alternative_subplan = {
asstate = 0x100000001}, agg_deserialize = {aggstate = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data = 0x0, jumpnull = 0},
agg_strict_input_check = {nulls = 0x100000001, nargs = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_init_trans = {aggstate = 0x100000001,
pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_trans_check = {
aggstate = 0x100000001, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_trans = {aggstate = 0x100000001,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0}}}
(gdb) n
468 scratch.opcode = EEOP_DONE;
469 ExprEvalPushStep(state, &scratch);
471 ExecReadyExpr(state);
(gdb) p state->steps[5]
$26 = {opcode = 0, resvalue = 0x0, resnull = 0x0, d = {fetch = {last_var = 1, known_desc = 0x0}, var = {attnum = 1,
vartype = 1}, wholerow = {var = 0x100000001, first = false, slow = false, tupdesc = 0x0, junkFilter = 0x0},
assign_var = {resultnum = 1, attnum = 1}, assign_tmp = {resultnum = 1}, constval = {value = 4294967297,
isnull = false}, func = {finfo = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, nargs = 0}, boolexpr = {
anynull = 0x100000001, jumpdone = 0}, qualexpr = {jumpdone = 1}, jump = {jumpdone = 1}, nulltest_row = {
argdesc = 0x100000001}, param = {paramid = 1, paramtype = 1}, cparam = {paramfunc = 0x100000001, paramarg = 0x0,
paramid = 0, paramtype = 0}, casetest = {value = 0x100000001, isnull = 0x0}, make_readonly = {value = 0x100000001,
isnull = 0x0}, iocoerce = {finfo_out = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data_out = 0x0, finfo_in = 0x0, fcinfo_data_in = 0x0},
sqlvaluefunction = {svf = 0x100000001}, nextvalueexpr = {seqid = 1, seqtypid = 1}, arrayexpr = {
elemvalues = 0x100000001, elemnulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, elemtype = 0, elemlength = 0, elembyval = false,
elemalign = 0 '\000', multidims = false}, arraycoerce = {elemexprstate = 0x100000001, resultelemtype = 0,
amstate = 0x0}, row = {tupdesc = 0x100000001, elemvalues = 0x0, elemnulls = 0x0}, rowcompare_step = {
finfo = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0, jumpnull = 0, jumpdone = 0}, rowcompare_final = {
rctype = ROWCOMPARE_LT}, minmax = {values = 0x100000001, nulls = 0x0, nelems = 0, op = IS_GREATEST, finfo = 0x0,
fcinfo_data = 0x0}, fieldselect = {fieldnum = 1, resulttype = 1, argdesc = 0x0}, fieldstore = {fstore = 0x100000001,
argdesc = 0x0, values = 0x0, nulls = 0x0, ncolumns = 0}, arrayref_subscript = {state = 0x100000001, off = 0,
isupper = false, jumpdone = 0}, arrayref = {state = 0x100000001}, domaincheck = {
constraintname = 0x100000001 <Address 0x100000001 out of bounds>, checkvalue = 0x0, checknull = 0x0, resulttype = 0},
convert_rowtype = {convert = 0x100000001, indesc = 0x0, outdesc = 0x0, map = 0x0, initialized = false},
scalararrayop = {element_type = 1, useOr = true, typlen = 0, typbyval = false, typalign = 0 '\000', finfo = 0x0,
fcinfo_data = 0x0, fn_addr = 0x0}, xmlexpr = {xexpr = 0x100000001, named_argvalue = 0x0, named_argnull = 0x0,
argvalue = 0x0, argnull = 0x0}, aggref = {astate = 0x100000001}, grouping_func = {parent = 0x100000001,
clauses = 0x0}, window_func = {wfstate = 0x100000001}, subplan = {sstate = 0x100000001}, alternative_subplan = {
asstate = 0x100000001}, agg_deserialize = {aggstate = 0x100000001, fcinfo_data = 0x0, jumpnull = 0},
agg_strict_input_check = {nulls = 0x100000001, nargs = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_init_trans = {aggstate = 0x100000001,
pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_strict_trans_check = {
aggstate = 0x100000001, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0, jumpnull = 0}, agg_trans = {aggstate = 0x100000001,
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
pertrans = 0x0, aggcontext = 0x0, setno = 0, transno = 0, setoff = 0}}}
(gdb) n
473 return projInfo;
474 }
ExecAssignProjectionInfo (planstate=0x1c8f1f0, inputDesc=0x7f8386bb6ab8) at execUtils.c:467
467 planstate->ps_ProjInfo =