修改libpng库源码解决libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/libpng16/1.6.36/libpng-1.6.36.tar.xz
if (png_sRGB_checks[i].is_broken != 0){ /* These profiles are known to have bad data that may cause * problems if they are used, therefore attempt to * discourage their use, skip the 'have_md5' warning below, * which is made irrelevant by this error. */ // 注释掉下边这两行代码 // png_chunk_report(png_ptr, "known incorrect sRGB profile", // PNG_CHUNK_ERROR);}
sudo apt install zlib* -ysudo apt install gcc make cmake -y./configure && make -j && sudo make install