








这里不再一股脑把数学知识全丢出来,我们边写代码边说理论。首先,确保你安装和导入了Tkinter,它是Python的标准 GUI 库,广泛应用于各种各样的项目和程序开发,在Python中使用 Tkinter 可以快速的创建 GUI 应用程序。

import tkinter as tkfrom PIL import Image, ImageTkfrom time import time, sleepfrom random import choice, uniform, randintfrom math import sin, cos, radians



root = tk.Tk()

为了能初始化Tkinter,我们必须创建一个Tk()根部件(root widget),它是一个窗口,带有标题栏和由窗口管理器提供的其它装饰物。该根部件必须在我们创建其它小部件之前就创建完毕,而且只能有一个根部件。

w = tk.Label(root, text="Hello Tkinter!")






'''particles 类粒子在空中随机生成随机,变成一个圈、下坠、消失属性: - id: 粒子的id - x, y: 粒子的坐标 - vx, vy: 在坐标的变化速度 - total: 总数 - age: 粒子存在的时长 - color: 颜色 - cv: 画布 - lifespan: 最高存在时长'''class part: def __init__(self, cv, idx, total, explosion_speed, x=0., y=0., vx = 0., vy = 0., size=2., color = 'red', lifespan = 2, **kwargs): self.id = idx self.x = x self.y = y self.initial_speed = explosion_speed self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.total = total self.age = 0self.color = color self.cv = cv self.cid = self.cv.create_oval( x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, fill=self.color) self.lifespan = lifespan

如果我们回过头想想最开始的想法,就会意识到必须确保每个烟花绽放的所有粒子必须经过3个不同的阶段,即“膨胀”“坠落”和“消失”。 所以我们向粒子类中再添加一些运动函数,如下所示:

def update(self, dt): # 粒子膨胀if self.alive() and self.expand(): move_x = cos(radians(self.id*360/self.total))*self.initial_speed move_y = sin(radians(self.id*360/self.total))*self.initial_speed self.vx = move_x/(float(dt)*1000) self.vy = move_y/(float(dt)*1000) self.cv.move(self.cid, move_x, move_y) # 以自由落体坠落 elif self.alive(): move_x = cos(radians(self.id*360/self.total)) # we technically don't need to update x, y because move will do the job self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx + move_x, self.vy+GRAVITY*dt) self.vy += GRAVITY*dt # 如果粒子的生命周期已过,就将其移除 elif self.cid is not None: cv.delete(self.cid) self.cid = None


# 定义膨胀效果的时间帧def expand (self): return self.age <= 1.2# 检查粒子是否仍在生命周期内def alive(self): return self.age <= self.lifespan





numb_explode = randint(6,10)# 为所有模拟烟花绽放的全部粒子创建一列列表for point in range(numb_explode): objects = [] x_cordi = randint(50,550) y_cordi = randint(50, 150) size = uniform (0.5,3) color = choice(colors) explosion_speed = uniform(0.2, 1) total_particles = randint(10,50) for i in range(1,total_particles): r = part(cv, idx = i, total = total_particles, explosion_speed = explosion_speed, x = x_cordi, y = y_cordi, color=color, size = size, lifespan = uniform(0.6,1.75)) objects.append(r)explode_points.append(objects)


total_time = .0# 在1.8秒时间帧内保持更新while total_time < 1.8: sleep(0.01) tnew = time() t, dt = tnew, tnew - t for point in explode_points: for part in point: part.update(dt) cv.update() total_time += dt



if __name__ == '__main__': root = tk.Tk() cv = tk.Canvas(root, height=600, width=600) # 绘制一个黑色背景 cv.create_rectangle(0, 0, 600, 600, fill="black") cv.pack() root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close) # 在1秒后才开始调用stimulate() root.after(100, simulate, cv) root.mainloop()




import tkinter as tkfrom PIL import Image, ImageTkfrom time import time, sleepfrom random import choice, uniform, randintfrom math import sin, cos, radians# 模拟重力GRAVITY = 0.05# 颜色选项(随机或者按顺序)colors = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'white', 'green', 'orange', 'purple', 'seagreen', 'indigo', 'cornflowerblue']'''particles 类粒子在空中随机生成随机,变成一个圈、下坠、消失属性: - id: 粒子的id - x, y: 粒子的坐标 - vx, vy: 在坐标的变化速度 - total: 总数 - age: 粒子存在的时长 - color: 颜色 - cv: 画布 - lifespan: 最高存在时长'''class Particle: def __init__(self, cv, idx, total, explosion_speed, x=0., y=0., vx=0., vy=0., size=2., color='red', lifespan=2, **kwargs): self.id = idx self.x = x self.y = y self.initial_speed = explosion_speed self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.total = total self.age = 0self.color = color self.cv = cv self.cid = self.cv.create_oval( x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size, fill=self.color) self.lifespan = lifespan def update(self, dt): self.age += dt # 粒子范围扩大 if self.alive() and self.expand(): move_x = cos(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) * self.initial_speed move_y = sin(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) * self.initial_speed self.cv.move(self.cid, move_x, move_y) self.vx = move_x / (float(dt) * 1000) # 以自由落体坠落 elif self.alive(): move_x = cos(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) # we technically don't need to update x, y because move will do the job self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx + move_x, self.vy + GRAVITY * dt) self.vy += GRAVITY * dt # 移除超过最高时长的粒子 elif self.cid is not None: cv.delete(self.cid) self.cid = None # 扩大的时间 def expand (self): return self.age <= 1.2 # 粒子是否在最高存在时长内 def alive(self): return self.age <= self.lifespan'''循环调用保持不停'''def simulate(cv): t = time() explode_points = [] wait_time = randint(10, 100) numb_explode = randint(6, 10) # 创建一个所有粒子同时扩大的二维列表 for point in range(numb_explode): objects = [] x_cordi = randint(50, 550) y_cordi = randint(50, 150) speed = uniform(0.5, 1.5) size = uniform(0.5, 3) color = choice(colors) explosion_speed = uniform(0.2, 1) total_particles = randint(10, 50) for i in range(1, total_particles): r = Particle(cv, idx=i, total=total_particles, explosion_speed=explosion_speed, x=x_cordi, y=y_cordi, vx=speed, vy=speed, color=color, size=size, lifespan=uniform(0.6, 1.75)) objects.append(r) explode_points.append(objects) total_time = .0 # 1.8s内一直扩大 while total_time < 1.8: sleep(0.01) tnew = time() t, dt = tnew, tnew - t for point in explode_points: for item in point: item.update(dt) cv.update() total_time += dt # 循环调用 root.after(wait_time, simulate, cv)def close(*ignore): """退出程序、关闭窗口""" global root root.quit()if __name__ == '__main__': root = tk.Tk() cv = tk.Canvas(root, height=400, width=600) # 选一个好看的背景会让效果更惊艳! image = Image.open("./image.jpg") photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) cv.create_image(0, 0, image=photo, anchor='nw') cv.pack() root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close) root.after(100, simulate, cv) root.mainloop()
