ASP.NET Core is a significant redesign of ASP.NET. This topic introduces the new concepts in ASP.NET Core and explains how they help you develop modern web apps. Core是重新设计过得新一代Asp.Net。此篇文章介绍 Core 如何帮助你开发先进的web应用。

What is ASP.NET Core?什么是 Core

ASP.NET Core is a new open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud based internet connected applications, such as web apps, IoT apps and mobile backends. ASP.NET Core apps can run on.NET Coreor on the full .NET Framework. It was architected to provide an optimized development framework for apps that are deployed to the cloud or run on-premises. It consists of modular components with minimal overhead, so you retain flexibility while constructing your solutions. You can develop and run your ASP.NET Core apps cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux. ASP.NET Core is open source atGitHub.

Asp.Net Core 是一个新的、开源的、跨平台的开发框架,为了更好的构建基于云网络的先进应用,比如web app、IoT(物联网) app和移动后端。 Core应用能够运行在.Net Core或者.Net Framework环境下。这种新架构为应用部署到云或者本地提供了高性能开发框架。它是由模块化组件构成,这样你就能很灵活的构建自己的解决方案。你可以在Windows、Mac和Linux下开发和运行你的 Core 应用。Asp.Net Core在GitHub上已经开源。

Why build ASP.NET Core?为什么构建Asp.Net Core?

The first preview release of ASP.NET came out almost 15 years ago as part of the .NET Framework. Since then millions of developers have used it to build and run great web apps, and over the years we have added and evolved many capabilities to it.

作为.Net框架的一部分,Asp.Net从第一个预览版到现在已经过去15年了。数以百万计的开发者使用它开发和运行优秀的web app,这么多年来我们也不断的升级和添加更多的功能。

ASP.NET Core has a number of architectural changes that result in a much leaner and modular framework. ASP.NET Core is no longer based onSystem.Web.dll. It is based on a set of granular and well factoredNuGetpackages. This allows you to optimize your app to include just the NuGet packages you need. The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model.

Asp.Net Core从架构上有很多的改变,这些改变从而使它成为一个灵活性和模块化的框架。Asp.Net Core 不再基于System.Web.dll。它是基于颗粒状和分解的NuGet包。这使你可以优化你的应用程序仅仅包含所需的 NuGet 包。这种pay-for-what-you-use(按需使用)模式的好处包括加强安全、减少维护、提高性能和降低成本。

With ASP.NET Core you gain the following foundational improvements:

使用 Core你将获得以下改进的功能:

A unified story for building web UI and web APIs

web UI和web Apis使用统一的库

Integration ofmodern client-side frameworksand development workflows


A cloud-ready environment-basedconfiguration system


Built-independency injection


New light-weight and modular HTTP request pipeline


Ability to host on IIS or self-host in your own process


Built on.NET Core, which supports true side-by-side app versioning

以.Net Core为基础,支持真正的多应用版本管理

Ships entirely asNuGetpackages


New tooling that simplifies modern web development


Build and run cross-platform ASP.NET apps on Windows, Mac and Linux


Open source and community focused


Build web UI and web APIs using ASP.NET Core MVC在Asp.Net Core MVC中构建Web UI和Web APIs

You can create well-factored and testable web apps that follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. SeeMVCandTesting.


You can build HTTP services that support multiple formats and have full support for content negotiation. SeeFormatting Response Data

你可以构建支持多格式和完全支持内容协议的HTTP服务。详见Formatting Response Data。

Razorprovides a productive language to createViews


Tag Helpersenable server-side code to participate in creating and rendering HTML elements in Razor files


You can create HTTP services with full support for content negotiation using custom or built-in formatters (JSON, XML)


Model Bindingautomatically maps data from HTTP requests to action method parameters


Model Validationautomatically performs client and server side validation


Client-side development前端开发

ASP.NET Core is designed to integrate seamlessly with a variety of client-side frameworks, includingAngularJS,KnockoutJSandBootstrap. SeeClient-Side Developmentfor more details.

Asp.Net Core的核心目的是为了和各式各样的前端框架无缝连接,包括了AngularJS,KnockoutJS和Bootstrap。详见Client-side Development。