
functools.partail(函数,函数的参数) -------> int(x, base) -----> functools.partial(int, base)


官网介绍:class int(x, base=10) #x为字符串数字, 默认该字符串数字是十进制数, 返回值是十进制数


print "int('10001', 2):", int('10001', 2) #字符串数字‘10001’是2进制数, 返回值是十进制数


def int2(x, base=2):
return int(x, base)

print "int2('1010101'):", int2('1010101')



functools.partial(func[,*args][, **keywords]

Return a new partial object which when called will behave like funccalled with the positional arguments args and keyword arguments keywords. Ifmore arguments are supplied to the call, they are appended to args. Ifadditional keyword arguments are supplied, they extend and override keywords.

import functools #导入模块

int3 = functools.partial(int, base=2) # int3: 将int函数的base参数设置为默认值2进制
print "int3('100'):", int3('100')

int4 = functools.partial(int, ‘2’) #int4:将int函数的x参数设置为默认值‘2’ ,其base默认为十进制

print "int4('2'):", int4()