Beginning jQuery(第二版)
Beginning jQuery: From the Basics of jQuery to Writing your Own Plug-ins, 2nd Edition本书介绍
Chapter 2: The Basics of jQuery
Chapter 3: Traversing the DOM
Chapter 4: DOM Manipulation with jQuery
Chapter 5: An Introduction to Events
Chapter 6: More Events
Chapter 7: Animation
Chapter 8: Ajax with jQuery
Chapter 9: Writing a jQuery Plug-in
Chapter 10: More jQuery Plug-ins
本书完全是为jQuery 版本3.x更新的,包括与NPM的集成,使用yeoman和jasmine,以及使用数据集API规范的指南。
目录Chapter 1: JavaScript You Need to KnowChapter 2: The Basics of jQuery
Chapter 3: Traversing the DOM
Chapter 4: DOM Manipulation with jQuery
Chapter 5: An Introduction to Events
Chapter 6: More Events
Chapter 7: Animation
Chapter 8: Ajax with jQuery
Chapter 9: Writing a jQuery Plug-in
Chapter 10: More jQuery Plug-ins
Chapter 11: A jQuery Image Slider
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