$ go help environmentThe go command and the tools it invokes consult environment variablesfor configuration. If an environment variable is unset, the go commanduses a sensible default setting. To see the effective setting of thevariable <NAME>, run 'go env <NAME>'. To change the default setting,run 'go env -w <NAME>=<VALUE>'. Defaults changed using 'go env -w'are recorded in a Go environment configuration file stored in theper-user configuration directory, as reported by os.UserConfigDir.The location of the configuration file can be changed by settingthe environment variable GOENV, and 'go env GOENV' prints theeffective location, but 'go env -w' cannot change the default location.See 'go help env' for details.General-purpose environment variables: GCCGO The gccgo command to run for 'go build -compiler=gccgo'. GOARCH The architecture, or processor, for which to compile code. Examples are amd64, 386, arm, ppc64. GOBIN The directory where 'go install' will install a command. GOCACHE The directory where the go command will store cached information for reuse in future builds. GODEBUG Enable various debugging facilities. See 'go doc runtime' for details. GOENV The location of the Go environment configuration file. Cannot be set using 'go env -w'. GOFLAGS A space-separated list of -flag=value settings to apply to go commands by default, when the given flag is known by the current command. Each entry must be a standalone flag. Because the entries are space-separated, flag values must not contain spaces. Flags listed on the command line are applied after this list and therefore override it. GOOS The operating system for which to compile code. Examples are linux, darwin, windows, netbsd. GOPATH For more details see: 'go help gopath'. GOPROXY URL of Go module proxy. See 'go help modules'. GOPRIVATE, GONOPROXY, GONOSUMDB Comma-separated list of glob patterns (in the syntax of Go's path.Match) of module path prefixes that should always be fetched directly or that should not be compared against the checksum database. See 'go help module-private'. GOROOT The root of the go tree. GOSUMDB The name of checksum database to use and optionally its public key and URL. See 'go help module-auth'. GOTMPDIR The directory where the go command will write temporary source files, packages, and binaries.Environment variables for use with cgo: AR The command to use to manipulate library archives when building with the gccgo compiler. The default is 'ar'. CC The command to use to compile C code. CGO_ENABLED Whether the cgo command is supported. Either 0 or 1. CGO_CFLAGS Flags that cgo will pass to the compiler when compiling C code. CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW A regular expression specifying additional flags to allow to appear in #cgo CFLAGS source code directives. Does not apply to the CGO_CFLAGS environment variable. CGO_CFLAGS_DISALLOW A regular expression specifying flags that must be disallowed from appearing in #cgo CFLAGS source code directives. Does not apply to the CGO_CFLAGS environment variable. CGO_CPPFLAGS, CGO_CPPFLAGS_ALLOW, CGO_CPPFLAGS_DISALLOW Like CGO_CFLAGS, CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW, and CGO_CFLAGS_DISALLOW, but for the C preprocessor. CGO_CXXFLAGS, CGO_CXXFLAGS_ALLOW, CGO_CXXFLAGS_DISALLOW Like CGO_CFLAGS, CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW, and CGO_CFLAGS_DISALLOW, but for the C++ compiler. CGO_FFLAGS, CGO_FFLAGS_ALLOW, CGO_FFLAGS_DISALLOW Like CGO_CFLAGS, CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW, and CGO_CFLAGS_DISALLOW, but for the Fortran compiler. CGO_LDFLAGS, CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW, CGO_LDFLAGS_DISALLOW Like CGO_CFLAGS, CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW, and CGO_CFLAGS_DISALLOW, but for the linker. CXX The command to use to compile C++ code. FC The command to use to compile Fortran code. PKG_CONFIG Path to pkg-config tool.Architecture-specific environment variables: GOARM For GOARCH=arm, the ARM architecture for which to compile. Valid values are 5, 6, 7. GO386 For GOARCH=386, the floating point instruction set. Valid values are 387, sse2. GOMIPS For GOARCH=mips{,le}, whether to use floating point instructions. Valid values are hardfloat (default), softfloat. GOMIPS64 For GOARCH=mips64{,le}, whether to use floating point instructions. Valid values are hardfloat (default), softfloat. GOWASM For GOARCH=wasm, comma-separated list of experimental WebAssembly features to use. Valid values are satconv, signext.Special-purpose environment variables: GCCGOTOOLDIR If set, where to find gccgo tools, such as cgo. The default is based on how gccgo was configured. GOROOT_FINAL The root of the installed Go tree, when it is installed in a location other than where it is built. File names in stack traces are rewritten from GOROOT to GOROOT_FINAL. GO_EXTLINK_ENABLED Whether the linker should use external linking mode when using -linkmode=auto with code that uses cgo. Set to 0 to disable external linking mode, 1 to enable it. GIT_ALLOW_PROTOCOL Defined by Git. A colon-separated list of schemes that are allowed to be used with git fetch/clone. If set, any scheme not explicitly mentioned will be considered insecure by 'go get'. Because the variable is defined by Git, the default value cannot be set using 'go env -w'.Additional information available from 'go env' but not read from the environment: GOEXE The executable file name suffix (".exe" on Windows, "" on other systems). GOGCCFLAGS A space-separated list of arguments supplied to the CC command. GOHOSTARCH The architecture (GOARCH) of the Go toolchain binaries. GOHOSTOS The operating system (GOOS) of the Go toolchain binaries. GOMOD The absolute path to the go.mod of the main module, or the empty string if not using modules. GOTOOLDIR The directory where the go tools (compile, cover, doc, etc...) are installed.
$ go env
GOARCH 和 GOOSGOARCH :cpu架构,386、amd64、arm等,在交叉编译的时候设置,可以编译不同平台的包。
GOCACHEMac下编译Linux, Windows平台的64位可执行程序:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build test.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build test.goLinux下编译Mac, Windows平台的64位可执行程序:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build test.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build test.goWindows下编译Mac, Linux平台的64位可执行程序:
SET GOOS=darwin
go build test.go
SET GOOS=linux
go build test.go
这是go build产生的缓存,这可以加快编译速度,我在GOCACHE打印出来的路径下看到了一个README文件,它解释了GOCACHE。
This directory holds cached build artifacts from the Go build system.Run "go clean -cache" if the directory is getting too large.See golang.org to learn more about Go.
可以使用"go clean -cache"命令清除编译缓存。
GOENV本地的go环境文件存储位置,不可以用"go env -w"设置它。