代码闲暇时间,将代码过程重要的一些代码收藏起来,下面代码是关于Gauss-Legendre integration in Python的代码,希望对小伙伴也有用处。

''' I = gaussQuad2(f,xc,yc,m). Gauss-Legendre integration of f(x,y) over a quadrilateral using integration order m. {xc},{yc} are the corner coordinates of the quadrilateral.'''from numpy import zeros,dotdef gaussQuad2(f,x,y,m): def jac(x,y,s,t): J = zeros((2,2)) def map(x,y,s,t): N = zeros(4) xCoord = dot(N,x) yCoord = dot(N,y) return xCoord,yCoord s,A = gaussNodes(m) sum = 0.0 for i in range(m): for j in range(m): xCoord,yCoord = map(x,y,s[i],s[j]) return sum