
Sinatra URL shortener.

Go is a super simple Sinatra URL shortener for use behind the firewall.

Most companies soon start to build up a fair number of internal URLs, and it can often be tricky remembering these all. This especially difficult when somebody new joins the company.

Go is a simple solution to this problem. Once installed you could point http://go/wiki, for example, to your company's internal wiki.


Shortens URLs

OpenSearch integration & autocomplete

Navigate to 'go' to create/remove shortcuts

Dynamic parameter substitution

Hit counts

Open source


[root@mango ~]#yum install git
[root@mango ~]#yum install rubygems ruby-devel sqlite-devel
[root@mango ~]#gem install bundle bundler

[root@mango ~]# git clone
[root@mango ~]#cd go

[root@mango go]# bundle install

The source :rubygems is deprecated because HTTP requests are insecure.

Please change your source to '' if possible, or '' if not.

Fetching gem metadata from

Fetching gem metadata from

Installing daemons (1.1.8)

Using erubis (2.7.0)

Installing eventmachine (0.12.10)

Installing rack (1.4.1)

Installing rack-protection (1.2.0)

Installing sequel (3.35.0)

Installing tilt (1.3.3)

Installing sinatra (1.3.2)

Using sinatra-sequel (0.9.0)

Using sqlite3 (1.3.6)

Installing thin (1.3.1)

Using bundler (1.3.5)

Your bundle is complete!

Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

[root@mango go]# gem list 查看gem下软件包有哪些

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

bundle (0.0.1)

bundler (1.3.5)

daemons (1.1.9, 1.1.8)

erubis (2.7.0)

eventmachine (1.0.3, 0.12.10)

rack (1.5.2, 1.4.1)

rack-protection (1.5.0, 1.2.0)

sequel (4.2.0, 3.35.0)

sinatra (1.4.3, 1.3.2)

sinatra-sequel (0.9.0)

sqlite3 (1.3.6)

thin (1.5.1, 1.3.1)

tilt (1.4.1, 1.3.3)


[root@mango go]# gem uninstall sinatra --version=1.4.3

Successfully uninstalled sinatra-1.4.3

[root@mango go]# gem uninstall sequel --version=4.2.0

Successfully uninstalled sequel-4.2.0

[root@mango go]# gem uninstall rack-protection --version=1.5.0

Successfully uninstalled rack-protection-1.5.0

[root@mango go]# gem uninstall rack --version=1.5.2

Successfully uninstalled rack-1.5.2

[root@mango go]# gem uninstall eventmachine --version=1.0.3

Successfully uninstalled eventmachine-1.0.3

[root@mango go]# gem uninstall daemons --version=1.1.9

Successfully uninstalled daemons-1.1.9

[root@mango go]# gem list

[root@mango go]# bundle install
[root@mango go]#sudo sed -i "1i\require 'rubygems'" app.rb

[root@mango go]# vim /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sinatra-1.3.2/lib/sinatra

sinatra/ sinatra.rb

[root@mango go]# vim /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sinatra-1.3.2/lib/sinatra/base.rb


[root@mango go]# ruby app.rb

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- json (LoadError)

from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'

from app.rb:5


[root@mango go]# yum -y install rubygem-json

[root@mango go]# ruby app.rb

== Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin

>> Thin web server (v1.3.1 codename Triple Espresso)

>> Maximum connections set to 1024

>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop


#vim /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/sinatra-1.3.2/lib/sinatra/base.rb 查找到4567,改成相应的端口

set :bind, ''

set :port, 4567
