

一.Fabric 简介


Hyperledger 项目是首个面向企业的开放区块链技术的重要探索。在 Linux 基金会的支持下,吸引了包括 IBM、Intel、摩根等在内的众多科技和金融巨头的参与。



2015 年 12 月,开源世界的旗舰——Linux 基金 会牵头,联合 30 家初始企业成员(包括 IBM、Accenture、Intel、J.P.Morgan、R3、DAH、DTCC、FUJITSU、HITACHI、SWIFT、Cisco 等),共同 宣告 了 Hyperledger 项目的成立。该项目试图打造一个透明、公开、去中心化的分布式账本项目,作为区块链技术的开源规范和标准,让更多的应用能更容易的建立在区块链技术之上。项目官方信息网站在 hyperledger.org,

目前已经有超过 120 家全球知名企业和机构(大部分均为各自行业的领导者)宣布加入 Hyperledger 项目,其中包括 30 家来自中国本土的企业,包括艾亿新融旗下的艾亿数融科技公司(2016.05.19)、Onchain(2016.06.22)、比邻共赢(Belink)信息技术有限公司(2016.06.22)、BitSE(2016.06.22)、布比(2016.07.27)、三一重工(2016.08.30)、万达金融(2016.09.08)、华为(2016.10.24)等。

如果说以比特币为代表的货币区块链技术为 1.0,以以太坊为代表的合同区块链技术为 2.0,那么实现了完备的权限控制和安全保障的 Hyperledger 项目毫无疑问代表着 3.0 时代的到来。

IBM 贡献了数万行已有的 Open Blockchain 代码,Digital Asset 则贡献了企业和开发者相关资源,R3 贡献了新的金融交易架构,Intel 也刚贡献了跟分布式账本相关的代码。

Hyperledger 社区由技术委员会(Technical Steering Committee,TSC)指导,首任主席由来自 IBM 开源技术部 CTO 的 Chris Ferris 担任,管理组主席则由来自 Digital Asset Holdings 的 CEO Blythe Masters 担任。另外,自 2016 年 5 月起,Apache 基金会创始人 Brian Behlendorf 担任超级账本项目的首位执行董事。2016 年 12 月,中国技术工作组 正式成立,负责本土社区组织和技术引导工作。官方网站也提供了十分详细的 组织结构信息。

该项目的出现,实际上宣布区块链技术已经不再是仅面向“社会实验”性质的应用场景,它已经正式被主流机构和企业市场认可;同时,Hyperledger 首次提出和实现的完备权限管理、创新的一致性算法和可拔插、可扩展的框架,对于区块链相关技术和产业的发展都将产生深远的影响。




**Fabric:包括 Fabric、Fabric CA、Fabric SDK(包括 Node.Js、Python 和 Java 等语言)和 fabric-api、fabric-sdk-node、fabric-sdk-py 等,目标是区块链的基础核心平台,支持 pbft 等新的 consensus 机制,支持权限管理,最早由 IBM 和 DAH 发起;https://github.com/hyperledger/fabricSawToothLake:包括 arcade、core、dev-tools、validator、mktplace 等。是 Intel 主要发起和贡献的区块链平台,支持全新的基于硬件芯片的共识机制 Proof of Elapsed Time(PoET)。Iroha:账本平台项目,基于 C++ 实现,带有不少面向 Web 和 Mobile 的特性,主要由 Soramitsu 发起和贡献。


Blockchain Explorer:提供 Web 操作界面,通过界面快速查看查询绑定区块链的状态(区块个数、交易历史)信息等。Cello:提供"Blockchain as a Service" 功能,使用 Cello,管理员可以轻松获取和管理多条区块链;应用开发者可以无需关心如何搭建和维护区块链。

项目约定共同遵守的 基本原则 为:









推荐在 Linux(如 Ubuntu 16.04+)或 MacOS 环境中开发代码,并安装如下工具。


vim: 用来进行文本编辑

curl: 部署脚本中会使用curl命令

$ sudo apt update$ sudo apt install git vim curl -y

Docker 1.12+:用来支持容器环境,注意 MacOS 下要用 Docker for Mac。

$ sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose -y

golang 1.10+安装成功后需要配置 $GOPATH 等环境变量。



$ tar -zxvf go1.10.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/


$ sudo vim /etc/profile


export GOPATH=$HOME/goexport GOROOT=/usr/local/goexport PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH


$ source /etc/profile$ go version


3.1 创建存放目录

$ mkdir hyfa ;cd hyfa

3.2 下载源码与镜像


bootstrap.sh 脚本内容,默认版本为最新的版本:1.2.0

如果需要下载不同的版本号,$1=指定版本号即可,如./bootstrap.sh 1.1.0

#!/bin/bash## Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.## SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0## if version not passed in, default to latest released versionexport VERSION=1.2.0# if ca version not passed in, default to latest released versionexport CA_VERSION=$VERSION# current version of thirdparty images (couchdb, kafka and zookeeper) releasedexport THIRDPARTY_IMAGE_VERSION=0.4.10export ARCH=$(echo "$(uname -s|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'|sed 's/mingw64_nt.*/windows/')-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/g')")export MARCH=$(uname -m)printHelp() { echo "Usage: bootstrap.sh [<version>] [<ca_version>] [<thirdparty_version>][-d -s -b]" echo echo "-d - bypass docker image download" echo "-s - bypass fabric-samples repo clone" echo "-b - bypass download of platform-specific binaries" echo echo "e.g. bootstrap.sh 1.2.0 -s" echo "would download docker images and binaries for version 1.2.0"}dockerFabricPull() { local FABRIC_TAG=$1 for IMAGES in peer orderer ccenv tools; do echo "==> FABRIC IMAGE: $IMAGES" echo docker pull hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES:$FABRIC_TAG docker tag hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES:$FABRIC_TAG hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES done}dockerThirdPartyImagesPull() { local THIRDPARTY_TAG=$1 for IMAGES in couchdb kafka zookeeper; do echo "==> THIRDPARTY DOCKER IMAGE: $IMAGES" echo docker pull hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES:$THIRDPARTY_TAG docker tag hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES:$THIRDPARTY_TAG hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES done}dockerCaPull() { local CA_TAG=$1 echo "==> FABRIC CA IMAGE" echo docker pull hyperledger/fabric-ca:$CA_TAG docker tag hyperledger/fabric-ca:$CA_TAG hyperledger/fabric-ca}samplesInstall() { # clone (if needed) hyperledger/fabric-samples and checkout corresponding # version to the binaries and docker images to be downloaded if [ -d first-network ]; then # if we are in the fabric-samples repo, checkout corresponding version echo "===> Checking out v${VERSION} branch of hyperledger/fabric-samples" git checkout v${VERSION} elif [ -d fabric-samples ]; then # if fabric-samples repo already cloned and in current directory, # cd fabric-samples and checkout corresponding version echo "===> Checking out v${VERSION} branch of hyperledger/fabric-samples" cd fabric-samples && git checkout v${VERSION} else echo "===> Cloning hyperledger/fabric-samples repo and checkout v${VERSION}" git clone -b master https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples.git && cd fabric-samples && git checkout v${VERSION} fi}# Incrementally downloads the .tar.gz file locally first, only decompressing it# after the download is complete. This is slower than binaryDownload() but# allows the download to be resumed.binaryIncrementalDownload() { local BINARY_FILE=$1 local URL=$2 curl -f -s -C - ${URL} -o ${BINARY_FILE} || rc=$? # Due to limitations in the current Nexus repo: # curl returns 33 when there's a resume attempt with no more bytes to download # curl returns 2 after finishing a resumed download # with -f curl returns 22 on a 404 if [ "$rc" = 22 ]; then # looks like the requested file doesn't actually exist so stop here return 22 fi if [ -z "$rc" ] || [ $rc -eq 33 ] || [ $rc -eq 2 ]; then # The checksum validates that RC 33 or 2 are not real failures echo "==> File downloaded. Verifying the md5sum..." localMd5sum=$(md5sum ${BINARY_FILE} | awk '{print $1}') remoteMd5sum=$(curl -s ${URL}.md5) if [ "$localMd5sum" == "$remoteMd5sum" ]; then echo "==> Extracting ${BINARY_FILE}..." tar xzf ./${BINARY_FILE} --overwrite echo "==> Done." rm -f ${BINARY_FILE} ${BINARY_FILE}.md5 else echo "Download failed: the local md5sum is different from the remote md5sum. Please try again." rm -f ${BINARY_FILE} ${BINARY_FILE}.md5 exit 1 fi else echo "Failure downloading binaries (curl RC=$rc). Please try again and the download will resume from where it stopped." exit 1 fi}# This will attempt to download the .tar.gz all at once, but will trigger the# binaryIncrementalDownload() function upon a failure, allowing for resume# if there are network failures.binaryDownload() { local BINARY_FILE=$1 local URL=$2 echo "===> Downloading: " ${URL} # Check if a previous failure occurred and the file was partially downloaded if [ -e ${BINARY_FILE} ]; then echo "==> Partial binary file found. Resuming download..." binaryIncrementalDownload ${BINARY_FILE} ${URL} else curl ${URL} | tar xz || rc=$? if [ ! -z "$rc" ]; then echo "==> There was an error downloading the binary file. Switching to incremental download." echo "==> Downloading file..." binaryIncrementalDownload ${BINARY_FILE} ${URL} else echo "==> Done." fi fi}binariesInstall() { echo "===> Downloading version ${FABRIC_TAG} platform specific fabric binaries" binaryDownload ${BINARY_FILE} https://nexus.hyperledger.org/content/repositories/releases/org/hyperledger/fabric/hyperledger-fabric/${ARCH}-${VERSION}/${BINARY_FILE} if [ $? -eq 22 ]; then echo echo "------> ${FABRIC_TAG} platform specific fabric binary is not available to download <----" echo fi echo "===> Downloading version ${CA_TAG} platform specific fabric-ca-client binary" binaryDownload ${CA_BINARY_FILE} https://nexus.hyperledger.org/content/repositories/releases/org/hyperledger/fabric-ca/hyperledger-fabric-ca/${ARCH}-${CA_VERSION}/${CA_BINARY_FILE} if [ $? -eq 22 ]; then echo echo "------> ${CA_TAG} fabric-ca-client binary is not available to download (Available from 1.1.0-rc1) <----" echo fi}dockerInstall() { which docker >& /dev/null NODOCKER=$? if [ "${NODOCKER}" == 0 ]; then echo "===> Pulling fabric Images" dockerFabricPull ${FABRIC_TAG} echo "===> Pulling fabric ca Image" dockerCaPull ${CA_TAG} echo "===> Pulling thirdparty docker images" dockerThirdPartyImagesPull ${THIRDPARTY_TAG} echo echo "===> List out hyperledger docker images" docker images | grep hyperledger* else echo "=========================================================" echo "Docker not installed, bypassing download of Fabric images" echo "=========================================================" fi}DOCKER=trueSAMPLES=trueBINARIES=true# Parse commandline args pull out# version and/or ca-version strings firstif [ ! -z $1 ]; then VERSION=$1;shift if [ ! -z $1 ]; then CA_VERSION=$1;shift if [ ! -z $1 ]; then THIRDPARTY_IMAGE_VERSION=$1;shift fi fifi# prior to 1.2.0 architecture was determined by uname -mif [[ $VERSION =~ ^1\.[0-1]\.* ]]; then export FABRIC_TAG=${MARCH}-${VERSION} export CA_TAG=${MARCH}-${CA_VERSION} export THIRDPARTY_TAG=${MARCH}-${THIRDPARTY_IMAGE_VERSION}else # starting with 1.2.0, multi-arch images will be default : ${CA_TAG:="$CA_VERSION"} : ${FABRIC_TAG:="$VERSION"} : ${THIRDPARTY_TAG:="$THIRDPARTY_IMAGE_VERSION"}fiBINARY_FILE=hyperledger-fabric-${ARCH}-${VERSION}.tar.gzCA_BINARY_FILE=hyperledger-fabric-ca-${ARCH}-${CA_VERSION}.tar.gz# then parse optswhile getopts "h?dsb" opt; do case "$opt" in h|\?) printHelp exit 0 ;; d) DOCKER=false ;; s) SAMPLES=false ;; b) BINARIES=false ;; esacdoneif [ "$SAMPLES" == "true" ]; then echo echo "Installing hyperledger/fabric-samples repo" echo samplesInstallfiif [ "$BINARIES" == "true" ]; then echo echo "Installing Hyperledger Fabric binaries" echo binariesInstallfiif [ "$DOCKER" == "true" ]; then echo echo "Installing Hyperledger Fabric docker images" echo dockerInstallfi

3.3 执行脚本

$chmod +x bootstrap.sh ; ./bootstrap.sh

(1) 下载源码包


===> Downloading version 1.2.0 platform specific fabric binaries
===> Downloading: https://nexus.hyperledger.org/content/repositories/releases/org/hyperledger/fabric/hyperledger-fabric/linux-amd64-1.2.0/hyperledger-fabric-linux-amd64-1.2.0.tar.gz
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 39.0M 100 39.0M 0 0 482k 0 0:01:22 0:01:22 --:--:-- 450k
==> Done.


===> Downloading version 1.2.0 platform specific fabric-ca-client binary
===> Downloading: https://nexus.hyperledger.org/content/repositories/releases/org/hyperledger/fabric-ca/hyperledger-fabric-ca/linux-amd64-1.2.0/hyperledger-fabric-ca-linux-amd64-1.2.0.tar.gz
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 4940k 100 4940k 0 0 435k 0 0:00:11 0:00:11 --:--:-- 538k
==> Done.


peer :fabric环境中的peer容器, 主要用来背书, 记账

==> FABRIC IMAGE: peer

1.2.0: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-peer
b234f539f7a1: Pull complete
55172d420b43: Pull complete
5ba5bbeb6b91: Pull complete
43ae2841ad7a: Pull complete
f6c9c6de4190: Pull complete
c6af77e36488: Pull complete
964f7f4f22f3: Pull complete
d4a3f4cfba3d: Pull complete
73782018d902: Pull complete
039eb34e730e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:949b38bad9496d7694b54d30b90b72653804d761a44d721c4dc7a16a5cbcabe8
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-peer:1.2.0



==> FABRIC IMAGE: orderer1.2.0: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-ordererb234f539f7a1: Already exists 55172d420b43: Already exists 5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists 43ae2841ad7a: Already exists f6c9c6de4190: Already exists c6af77e36488: Already exists 964f7f4f22f3: Already exists d4a3f4cfba3d: Already exists 8d0e11f5a0f7: Pull complete 0bda0f004d88: Pull complete Digest: sha256:1a8cbe6abef245432730035d08ea1d1aa54a50717136fa3be58f8af4570ad57eStatus: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-orderer:1.2.0


==> FABRIC IMAGE: ccenv

1.2.0: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-ccenv
b234f539f7a1: Already exists
55172d420b43: Already exists
5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists
43ae2841ad7a: Already exists
f6c9c6de4190: Already exists
c6af77e36488: Already exists
964f7f4f22f3: Already exists
13cd31405e09: Pull complete
e03b35c19d96: Pull complete
96c2920985e3: Pull complete
e91461be8304: Pull complete
950c3368692b: Pull complete
c5de8d20c137: Pull complete
5536b64bc67b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:0a7fb37111cafce79cf89ca8d1af5ca6f721e60a8bd1b2b93521e671e3348af2
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-ccenv:1.2.0

tools:fabric环境中的工具容器, 主要用来测试客户端

==> FABRIC IMAGE: tools

1.2.0: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-tools
b234f539f7a1: Already exists
55172d420b43: Already exists
5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists
43ae2841ad7a: Already exists
f6c9c6de4190: Already exists
c6af77e36488: Already exists
964f7f4f22f3: Already exists
13cd31405e09: Already exists
e03b35c19d96: Already exists
96c2920985e3: Already exists
e91461be8304: Already exists
314928def9dd: Pull complete
d5b68ae13f8d: Pull complete
dde25187799d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:284f997b33d6745b52d378f8c7ba1a208b8c13633f3ef63e68377b1986077cb6
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.2.0


Fabric环境中的CA容器(fabric-ca: 用于认证, 根据配置文件中指定的路径检查当前用户是否合法)

===> Pulling fabric ca Image==> FABRIC CA IMAGE1.2.0: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-cab234f539f7a1: Already exists 55172d420b43: Already exists 5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists 43ae2841ad7a: Already exists f6c9c6de4190: Already exists c6af77e36488: Already exists 964f7f4f22f3: Already exists f7a6370a6f7f: Pull complete 37cc94e973b2: Pull complete a80e45d2f608: Pull complete 8feb19f73d3a: Pull complete 5f3ea048e0c0: Pull complete Digest: sha256:0a6f8b3af8537fa725dc40d09565c77b1b284f848f653c32cb4125b3134a8726Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.2.0

(4) 下载第三方镜像

couchdb:是一个可选DB,可选, 可将Fabric中默认的DB替代为couchDB
Apache CouchDB是一个开源数据库,它是一个使用JSON作为存储格式,JavaScript作为查询语言,MapReduce和HTTP作为API的NoSQL数据库。

===> Pulling thirdparty docker images

0.4.10: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-couchdb
b234f539f7a1: Already exists
55172d420b43: Already exists
5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists
43ae2841ad7a: Already exists
f6c9c6de4190: Already exists
c6af77e36488: Already exists
964f7f4f22f3: Already exists
13cd31405e09: Already exists
e03b35c19d96: Already exists
96c2920985e3: Already exists
e91461be8304: Already exists
6a752ce8f7fe: Pull complete
a49e2cb854b0: Pull complete
493b25e70e6d: Pull complete
2721753a3e7c: Pull complete
adede0f2a5f1: Pull complete
9eb593f76305: Pull complete
bb49a3450e11: Pull complete
929b9bb5d788: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d7eb3fd24acafaeaaae94a44659409270b89bd599d017cf9d5b75d8f21438b51
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:0.4.10

kafka :
Kafka是一个消息系统,原本开发自LinkedIn,用作LinkedIn的活动流(Activity Stream)和运营数据处理管道(Pipeline)的基础。现在它已被多家不同类型的公司 作为多种类型的数据管道和消息系统使用。


0.4.10: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-kafka
b234f539f7a1: Already exists
55172d420b43: Already exists
5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists
43ae2841ad7a: Already exists
f6c9c6de4190: Already exists
c6af77e36488: Already exists
964f7f4f22f3: Already exists
13cd31405e09: Already exists
e03b35c19d96: Already exists
96c2920985e3: Already exists
e91461be8304: Already exists
146aa6695f33: Pull complete
954e41d8cd46: Pull complete
9d750070047f: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:7c07db5b38ca3259528b3e53691ecd273e44d1521218aa8f3a5dc34ab6947ff5
Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-kafka:0.4.10

zookeeper:主要用来作共识,在开发测试环境下可选, 一般在开发测试环境下为单点模式


==> THIRDPARTY DOCKER IMAGE: zookeeper0.4.10: Pulling from hyperledger/fabric-zookeeperb234f539f7a1: Already exists 55172d420b43: Already exists 5ba5bbeb6b91: Already exists 43ae2841ad7a: Already exists f6c9c6de4190: Already exists c6af77e36488: Already exists 964f7f4f22f3: Already exists 13cd31405e09: Already exists e03b35c19d96: Already exists 96c2920985e3: Already exists e91461be8304: Already exists c335e6e59168: Pull complete 016e000b0cc8: Pull complete e716b0c9790c: Pull complete 390f47e71470: Pull complete Digest: sha256:151fe67421663fe860c1aba4b80877a22b6b8fa18cbc97990c309c603cd6f5f1Status: Downloaded newer image for hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper:0.4.10

3.4 脚本执行结果

(1) 源码包文件结构

bruce@ubuntu:~$ls hyfa/fabric-samples/ -l


total 76drwxrwxr-x 5 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 balance-transferdrwxrwxr-x 4 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 basic-networkdrwxrwxr-x 2 1001 1001 4096 Jul 3 13:41 bindrwxrwxr-x 8 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 chaincodedrwxrwxr-x 3 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 chaincode-docker-devmode-rw-rw-r-- 1 bruce bruce 597 Jul 10 00:59 CODE_OF_CONDUCT.mddrwxrwxr-x 2 1001 1001 4096 Jul 3 12:04 config-rw-rw-r-- 1 bruce bruce 961 Jul 10 00:59 CONTRIBUTING.mddrwxrwxr-x 2 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 fabcardrwxrwxr-x 3 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 fabric-cadrwxrwxr-x 6 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 first-networkdrwxrwxr-x 4 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 high-throughput-rw-rw-r-- 1 bruce bruce 3095 Jul 10 00:59 Jenkinsfile-rw-rw-r-- 1 bruce bruce 11358 Jul 10 00:59 LICENSE-rw-rw-r-- 1 bruce bruce 470 Jul 10 00:59 MAINTAINERS.md-rw-rw-r-- 1 bruce bruce 1229 Jul 10 00:59 README.mddrwxrwxr-x 3 bruce bruce 4096 Jul 10 00:59 scripts

(2) 查看docker镜像

bruce@ubuntu:~$ sudo docker images


REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZEhyperledger/fabric-ca 1.2.0 66cc132bd09c 6 days ago 252MBhyperledger/fabric-ca latest 66cc132bd09c 6 days ago 252MBhyperledger/fabric-tools 1.2.0 379602873003 6 days ago 1.51GBhyperledger/fabric-tools latest 379602873003 6 days ago 1.51GBhyperledger/fabric-ccenv 1.2.0 6acf31e2d9a4 6 days ago 1.43GBhyperledger/fabric-ccenv latest 6acf31e2d9a4 6 days ago 1.43GBhyperledger/fabric-orderer 1.2.0 4baf7789a8ec 6 days ago 152MBhyperledger/fabric-orderer latest 4baf7789a8ec 6 days ago 152MBhyperledger/fabric-peer 1.2.0 82c262e65984 6 days ago 159MBhyperledger/fabric-peer latest 82c262e65984 6 days ago 159MBhyperledger/fabric-zookeeper 0.4.10 2b51158f3898 11 days ago 1.44GBhyperledger/fabric-zookeeper latest 2b51158f3898 11 days ago 1.44GBhyperledger/fabric-kafka 0.4.10 936aef6db0e6 11 days ago 1.45GBhyperledger/fabric-kafka latest 936aef6db0e6 11 days ago 1.45GBhyperledger/fabric-couchdb 0.4.10 3092eca241fc 11 days ago 1.61GBhyperledger/fabric-couchdb latest 3092eca241fc 11 days ago 1.61GB



$ sudo vim /etc/profile


FabricSampleDir="/home/bruce/hyfa/fabric-samples"export PATH=${FabricSampleDir}/bin:$PATH


$ source /etc/profile



fabric-samples/bin/cryptogen cryptogen: 根据指定的配置文件,生成组织结构及×××书的工具fabric-samples/bin/configtxgen configtxgen: 主要生成三种配置文件 1. 生成Orderer初始区块 2. 生成应用通道交易配置文件 3. 锚节点更新配置文件 锚节点: 数据交换fabric-samples/bin/configtxlator configtxlator: 用来在正在运行的网络联盟链中添加一个新的组织


chaincode/ Fabric示例链码所在目录chaincode-docker-devmode/ 开启开发测试模式 在开发测试模式下链码的存放目录config/ 关于orderer及peer配置信息的文件存放目录 configtx.yaml: 生成初始区块及应用通道交易配置文件的参考 core.yaml: peer配置信息的参考 orderer.yaml: orderer配置信息的参考fabcar/ 测试Node环境的所在目录 有一个小汽车的应用示例fabric-ca/ fabric基础环境提供的一个简单fabric-cafirst-network/ 与Fabric网络相关的所有内容


联盟: org1: peer0.org1.example.com peer1.org1.example.com org2: peer0.org2.example.com peer1.org2.example.com应用通道: 用于隔离不同联盟之间交易Peer节点角色: 1. 背书节点 -- 在fabric中只能部分节点是背书节点 2. 记账节点(commiter) -- 在fabric中所有的Peer节点都是记账节点 3. 锚节点 -- 通过配置文件指定 -- 作用: 用于跨组织交换数据背书: 在fabric中, 就是签名的概念


后期我们需要使用Fabric SDK做应用程序的开发,官方虽然提供了Node.JS,Java,Go,Python等多种语言的SDK,但是由于整个Fabric太新了,很多SDK还不成熟和完善,所以一般采用Node JS的SDK,毕竟这个是功能毕竟齐全,而且也是官方示例的时候使用的SDK。


由于Node版本的迭代速度很快,版本很多,不同项目对node的依赖不同,故需要切换不同node版本目前有n和nvm这两个工具可以对Node进行平滑升级,n 命令是作为一个 node 的模块而存在,而 nvm 是一个独立于 node/npm 的外部 shell 脚本,因此 nvm 命令相比 n更加全面,n更有局限性。

nvm 是 node 管理工具,有点类似管理 Ruby 的 rvm,如果是需要管理 Windows 下的 node,官方推荐是使用 nvmw 或 nvm-windows 。

$ sudo apt update$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.10/install.sh | bash$ export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"$ [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"





$ nvm install v8.11.1


$ node -vv8.11.1


$ npm -v5.6.0