JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a web application framework that is based in Java. Its main objective is to simplify development integration of user interfaces that are web based. It is a request driven Model View Controller based on component driven UI design model, which uses XML–view templates or Facelet views. Requests ran through the JSF are processed by the FacesServlet. This component loads the view template that is required, builds a component tree, processes events, and renders the response –which is usually in HTML.
JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a Javabased technology specifically used to help software developers serve dynamically generated web pages (such as HTMLand XML) as well as other document types suitable to the development of interactive web content. It was specifically created in orderto provide developers the ability to program Java web applications.
JSF is a framework.
Model:backing bean
JSP is not a request driven model view controller, but JSP is accessed by the dynamically generated web pages like HTML or XML.JSF supports validator and conversion,ajax.JSP does not.The Different Architecture of MVC between JSF and JSP
MVC for JSP:
MVC for JSF: