Sweeter Than Fiction

Taylor Swift (泰勒斯威夫特)


Hit the ground, hit the ground, hit the ground, oh oh   你跌倒谷底   Only sound, only sound, only sound that you hear is no   所听到的全都是“NO”   You never saw it coming, slipped when you started running   你从来就没看见成功的曙光,在你起跑的时候却滑倒   And now you’ve come undone and I, I, I,   现在你已经疲惫消沉,而我   Seen you fall, you crawl on your knees, eh eh   看见过你跌倒,看见过你无助跪地   Seen you lost in a crowd, seen your colors fade   看见过你在人群中迷失方向,看见过你的光彩逐渐褪去   Wish I could make it better, someday you won’t remember   希望我能让事情变好点   This pain you thought would last forever and ever   未来的某天你不会记得你曾经以为会无穷无尽的疼痛   There you’ll stand, ten feet tall   现在你高高地站在那里   I will say I knew it all along   我会说我一直都知道   Your eyes wider than distance   你看得比远方更宽广   This life is sweeter than fiction   这生活比小说更甜美   Just a shot, just a shot in the dark, oh oh   只是在黑夜中的一次尝试   All you got, all you got are your shattered hopes   你的所有只剩那些支离破碎的希望   They never saw it coming, you hit the ground running,   他们都不会知道,你在谷底反弹   And now you’re on to something, I, I, I, I   现在你正凭借一些东西努力前行   What a sight, what a sight when the light came on   当光线照进来的时候,这是多么美好的景象   Proved me right, proved me right when you proved them wrong   当你证明他们是错的, 证明我是对的   And in this perfect weather, it’s like we don’t remember   在现在的好天气里,就像我们不会想起   The rain we thought would last forever and ever   当时我们觉得雨季不会结束   There you’ll stand, ten feet tall   现在你高高地站在那里   I will say I knew it all along   我会说我一直都知道   Your eyes wider than distance   你看得比远方更宽广   This life is sweeter than fiction   这生活比小说更甜美   There you’ll stand, next to me   现在你近近的站在我身边   All at once, the rest is history   就在这一次,剩下的全是历史   Your eyes wider than distance   你看得比远方更宽广   This life is sweeter than fiction   这生活比小说更甜美   I’ll be one of the many, saying,   我将会像很多人一样,说着   "Look at you, look at you now, now"   “看看你现在的样子”   I’ll be one of the many, saying,   我将会像很多人一样,说着   "You made us proud, you made us proud, proud"   “你多么让我们骄傲”   I’ll be one of the many, saying,   我将会像很多人一样,说着   "Look at you, look at you now, now"   “看看你现在的样子”   I’ll be one of the many, saying,   我将会像很多人一样,说着   "You made us proud, you made us proud, proud"   “你多么让我们骄傲”   And then they call your name and put your picture in a frame   他们会呼喊着你的名字,把你的照片装裱起来   You know that I’ll be there time and again cause I loved you when   你知道我会一次次地跑去看,因为我爱你当你……   When you hit the ground, hit the ground, hit the ground, oh oh   当你跌倒谷底   Only sound, only sound, only sound that you heard was no   所听到的全都是“NO”   And in this perfect weather, it’s like we don’t remember   在现在的好天气里,就像我们不会想起   The rain we thought would last forever and ever   当时我们觉得雨季不会结束   There you’ll stand, ten feet tall   现在你高高地站在那里   I will say I knew it all along   我会说我一直都知道   Your eyes wider than distance   你看得比远方更宽广   This life is sweeter than fiction   这生活比小说更甜美   There you’ll stand, next to me   现在你近近的站在我身边   All at once, the rest is history   就在这一次,剩下的全是历史   Your eyes wider than distance   你看得比远方更宽广   This life is sweeter than fiction   这生活比小说更甜美   Sweeter than fiction, it’s sweeter, yeah   比小说更甜美,更甜美   It’s sweeter, it’s sweeter, it’s sweeter than fiction   它比小说更加,更加甜美