
我们首先查看Domain Controller列表


REM ========================================================== REM GUI Metadata Cleanup Utility REM Version 2.5 REM ========================================================== REM This tool is furnished "AS IS". NO warranty is expressed or Implied. on error resume next dim objRoot,oDC,sPath,outval,oDCSelect,objConfiguration,objContainer,errval,ODCPath,ckdcPath,myObj,comparename rem =======This gets the name of the computer that the script is run on ====== Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") key= "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" computerName = sh.RegRead(key & "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName") rem === Get the default naming context of the domain==== set objRoot=GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE") sPath = "LDAP://OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") rem === Get the list of domain controllers==== Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sPath) For Each objContainer in objConfiguration outval = outval & vbtab & objContainer.Name & VBCRLF Next outval = Replace(outval, "CN=", "") rem ==Retrieve the name of the broken DC from the user and verify it's not this DC.=== oDCSelect= InputBox (outval," Enter the computer name to be removed","") comparename = UCase(oDCSelect) if comparename = computerName then msgbox "The Domain Controller you entered is the machine that is running this script." & vbcrlf & _ "You cannot clean up the metadata for the machine that is running the script!",,"Metadata Cleanup Utility Error." wscript.quit End If sPath = "LDAP://OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sPath) For Each objContainer in objConfiguration Err.Clear ckdcPath = "LDAP://" & "CN=" & oDCSelect & ",OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") set myObj=GetObject(ckdcPath) If err.number <>0 Then errval= 1 End If Next If errval = 1 then msgbox "The Domain Controller you entered was not found in the Active Directory",,"Metadata Cleanup Utility Error." wscript.quit End If abort = msgbox ("You are about to remove all metadata for the server " & oDCSelect & "! Are you sure?",4404,"WARNING!!") if abort <> 6 then msgbox "Metadata Cleanup Aborted.",,"Metadata Cleanup Utility Error." wscript.quit end if oDCSelect = "CN=" & oDCSelect ODCPath ="LDAP://" & oDCselect & ",OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") sSitelist = "LDAP://CN=Sites,CN=Configuration," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sSitelist) For Each objContainer in objConfiguration Err.Clear sitePath = "LDAP://" & oDCSelect & ",CN=Servers," & objContainer.Name & ",CN=Sites,CN=Configuration," & _ objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") set myObj=GetObject(sitePath) If err.number = 0 Then siteval = sitePath End If Next sFRSSysvolList = "LDAP://CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System," & _ objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set objConfiguration = GetObject(sFRSSysvolList) For Each objContainer in objConfiguration Err.Clear SYSVOLPath = "LDAP://" & oDCSelect & ",CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System," & _ objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") set myObj=GetObject(SYSVOLPath) If err.number = 0 Then SYSVOLval = SYSVOLPath End If Next SiteList = Replace(sSitelist, "LDAP://", "") VarSitelist = "LDAP://CN=Sites,CN=Configuration," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set SiteConfiguration = GetObject(VarSitelist) For Each SiteContainer in SiteConfiguration Sitevar = SiteContainer.Name VarPath ="LDAP://OU=Domain Controllers," & objRoot.Get("defaultNamingContext") Set DCConfiguration = GetObject(VarPath) For Each DomContainer in DCConfiguration DCVar = DomContainer.Name strFromServer = "" NTDSPATH = DCVar & ",CN=Servers," & SiteVar & "," & SiteList GuidPath = "LDAP://CN=NTDS Settings,"& NTDSPATH Set objCheck = GetObject(NTDSPATH) For Each CheckContainer in objCheck rem ====check for valid site paths ======================= ldapntdspath = "LDAP://" & NTDSPATH Err.Clear set exists=GetObject(ldapntdspath) If err.number = 0 Then Set oGuidGet = GetObject(GuidPath) For Each objContainer in oGuidGet oGuid = objContainer.Name oGuidPath = "LDAP://" & oGuid & ",CN=NTDS Settings," & NTDSPATH Set objSitelink = GetObject(oGuidPath) objSiteLink.GetInfo strFromServer = objSiteLink.Get("fromServer") ispresent = Instr(1,strFromServer,oDCSelect,1) if ispresent <> 0 then Set objReplLinkVal = GetObject(oGuidPath) objReplLinkVal.DeleteObject(0) end if next sitedelval = "CN=" & comparename & ",CN=Servers," & SiteVar & "," & SiteList if sitedelval = ntdspath then Set objguidpath = GetObject(guidpath) objguidpath.DeleteObject(0) Set objntdspath = GetObject(ldapntdspath) objntdspath.DeleteObject(0) end if End If next next next Set AccountObject = GetObject(ckdcPath) temp=Accountobject.Get ("userAccountControl") AccountObject.Put "userAccountControl", "4096" AccountObject.SetInfo Set objFRSSysvol = GetObject(SYSVOLval) objFRSSysvol.DeleteObject(0) Set objComputer = GetObject(ckdcPath) objComputer.DeleteObject(0) Set objConfig = GetObject(siteval) objConfig.DeleteObject(0) oDCSelect = Replace(oDCSelect, "CN=", "") msgval = "Metadata Cleanup Completed for " & oDCSelect msgbox msgval,,"Notice." wscript.quit





