CentOSx64 源码安装nagios与nagios-plugin





1)修改/usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cnf 文件修改如下:





#touch hosts.cfg

#touch services.cfg

#chown -R nagios:nagcmd hosts.cfg

#chown -R nagios:nagcmd services.cfg

#chmod -R 755 hosts.cfg

#chmod -R 755 services.cfg

3)在hosts.cfg和services.cfg ,添加如下内容:

#vi hosts.cfg

define hostgroup{

hostgroup_name windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup

alias Windows Servers ; Long name of the group


define host {

host_name 118.X.35.226

alias SingTel_Main_Broadcast

address 118.X.35.226

check_command check-host-alive

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

use windows-server


define host {

host_name 118.X.35.242

alias SingTel_Backup_Broadcast

address 118.X.35.242

check_command check-host-alive

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

use windows-server


#define host {

# host_name 118.X.35.241

# alias Cisco router

# address 118.X.35.241

# check_command check-host-alive

# check_period 24x7

# notification_period 24x7


#define host {

# host_name 118.X.35.225

# alias Juniper Firewall

# address 118.X.35.225

# check_command check-host-alive

# check_period 24x7

# notification_period 24x7




#vi services.cfg

define service {

service_description PING

check_interval 5

retry_interval 1

check_command check_ping!3000.0,80%!5000.0,100%

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

hostgroup_name windows-servers

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 5

# notification_interval 5

use local-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description C:\ Drive Space

check_command check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l c -w 92 -c 95

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

hostgroup_name windows-servers

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description D:\ Drive Space

check_command check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l d -w 92 -c 95

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

hostgroup_name windows-servers

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description Z:\ Drive Space

check_command check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l z -w 96 -c 98

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

hostgroup_name windows-servers

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description Recv_XD

check_command check_nt!PROCSTATE!-d SHOWALL -l Recv_XD.exe

host_name 118.X.35.226

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description GoodSync_client

check_command check_nt!PROCSTATE!-d SHOWALL -l GoodSync.exe

host_name 118.X.35.242

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description TSPlay_Program

check_command check_nt!PROCSTATE!-d SHOWALL -l TSServer.exe

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description IIS Service

check_command check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l W3SVC

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description MSSQLSERVER

check_command check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l MSSQLSERVER

host_name 118.X.35.226,118.X.35.242

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description Apache Tomcat

check_command check_nt!SERVICESTATE!-d SHOWALL -l Tomcat6

host_name 118.X.35.226

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1

check_interval 1

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


define service {

service_description http-8080

check_command check_tcp!8080 -t 5!

host_name 118.X.35.226

check_period 24x7

notification_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 1最多检查一次(默认3次)

check_interval 1 检查间隔1分钟,有问题发邮件

use generic-service

contact_groups +admins


#/etc/init.d/nagios start

日志文件:tail -f /var/log/messages
