[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -h

check_mem.pl v1.0 - Nagios Pluginusage:check_mem.pl -<f|u> -w <warnlevel> -c <critlevel>options:-f Check FREE memory-u Check USED memory-C Count OS caches as FREE memory-w PERCENT Percent free/used when to warn-c PERCENT Percent free/used when criticalCopyright (C) 2000 Dan Larsson <dl@tyfon.net>check_mem.pl comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY either implied or explicitThis program is licensed under the terms of theGNU General Public License (check source code for details)=========================[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -u -w 50 -c 90WARNING - 66.7% (1372716 kB) used!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372716KB;;;; FREE=686864KB;;;; CACHES=1181796KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -u -w 60 -c 90WARNING - 66.7% (1372716 kB) used!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372716KB;;;; FREE=686864KB;;;; CACHES=1181792KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -u -w 70 -c 90OK - 66.7% (1372716 kB) used.|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372716KB;;;; FREE=686864KB;;;; CACHES=1181792KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -u -w 40 -c 50CRITICAL - 66.7% (1372840 kB) used!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372840KB;;;; FREE=686740KB;;;; CACHES=1181796KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -u -w 40 -c 60CRITICAL - 66.8% (1374772 kB) used!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1374772KB;;;; FREE=684808KB;;;; CACHES=1181804KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -u -w 40 -c 70WARNING - 66.7% (1372840 kB) used!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372840KB;;;; FREE=686740KB;;;; CACHES=1181808KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -f -w 50 -c 40CRITICAL - 33.3% (686740 kB) free!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372840KB;;;; FREE=686740KB;;;; CACHES=1181800KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -f -w 50 -c 30WARNING - 33.3% (686864 kB) free!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372716KB;;;; FREE=686864KB;;;; CACHES=1181800KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -f -w 50 -c 20WARNING - 33.3% (686864 kB) free!|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372716KB;;;; FREE=686864KB;;;; CACHES=1181816KB;;;;[root@wqk1 mnt]# ./check_memory.pl -f -w 30 -c 20OK - 33.3% (686740 kB) free.|TOTAL=2059580KB;;;; USED=1372840KB;;;; FREE=686740KB;;;; CACHES=1181828KB;;;;附脚本:附件:http://down.51cto.com/data/2362604