在linux 驱动源码中,有两个很有意思的宏,分别是offsetof和container_of,他们的作用和定义是这样子的

offsetof 获得结构体某成员相对于结构体的偏移长度

/** * 计算的结构体中某成员的偏移量 */#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)



#include <stdio.h>#include "list.h"typedef struct Test_struct{ char ca; int ib; double dc;}Test_struct_t;int main(){ printf("offset ca is %d\n",offsetof(Test_struct_t,ca)); printf("offset ib is %d\n",offsetof(Test_struct_t,ib)); printf("offset dc is %d\n",offsetof(Test_struct_t,dc)); return 0;}

offset ca is 0
offset ib is 4
offset dc is 8

2.container_of 是通过结构体的某成员的地址得到整个结构体的地址,在使用上进而可以访问到结构体的其余成员

/** * container_of - cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure * @ptr: the pointer to the member. * @type: the type of the container struct this is embedded in. * @member: the name of the member within the struct. * 通过结构体中的某个成员的指针,反推出来结构体的指针,可以进而可以访问其他成员 */#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \ const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \ (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})

实现上实际就是当前这个成员的地址 减去 这个成员相对整个结构体的的偏移量,就是结构体的地址


typedef struct person{ char name[20]; char phone_num[12]; int index;}Person_t;void showInfo(Person_t *ptr){ printf("name :%s\n",ptr->name); printf("phone_num :%s\n",ptr->phone_num); printf("index :%d\n",ptr->index);}// 通过姓名打印所以信息void getInfoByName(char name[]){ if(!name) return ; Person_t *ptr = container_of(name,Person_t,name); if(ptr) { showInfo(ptr); }}int main(){ Person_t person; memset(&person,0x0,sizeof(Person_t)); person.index = 110; strncpy(person.name,"zhangsan",strlen("zhangsan")); strncpy(person.phone_num,"15617274954",strlen("15617274954")); showInfo(&person); printf("\============\n"); getInfoByName(&person.name); return 0;}

name :zhangsan
phone_num :15617274954
index :110
name :zhangsan
phone_num :15617274954
index :110