



You are assuming that the connection is staying open after each HTTP response is received, but that is

not guaranteed. You have to look at the server's actual HTTP response (specifically, at the HTTP

version reported in the status line, and at the Connection header) to know if the server is leaving the

connection open or not.

You are sending an HTTP 1.1 request, but there is no guarantee that the server will reply with an HTTP

1.1 response.

If the response is using HTTP 0.9, you must close the socket and reconnect before sending the next HTTP


If the response is using HTTP 1.0, and if the Connection header does not say keep-alive, then you must

close the socket and reconnect before sending the next HTTP request.

If the response is using HTTP 1.1, and if the Connection header does not say close, then the server

left the connection open on its end, and you can reuse the same connection for the next request.

However, you do still need to take into account the possibility that the connection might be closed

externally (by a firewall/router/proxy, etc) before you actually send the next HTTP request.

So in the case of either HTTP 1.0 or 1.1, if you are expecting the connection to remain open, but send

() fails with an error indicating the connection was lost, simply close the socket and reconnect and

then send the same HTTP request again.