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HL7 version 2 From Hl7book Jump to: navigation, search
The HL7 version 2 standard has the aim to support hospital-internal workflows. It consists of an elaborate set of message specifications.
Understanding HL7 v2 Implementing HL7 v2 Other Topics Basics High Level presentation (Powerpoint)More detailed presentations, in English,Spanish (PDF format) and German (Video).Introductory online documentation (English), Overview (Japanese), (German)Overview blogpostExample instances (introductory)Differences between 2.x versions Whitepapers about elements of the standard ADT, chapter 3.Key v2 components, v2 core structure.Queries, chapter 5.Billing, chapter 6.Master Files, chapter 8.new in 2.5 (delta with 2.4); new in 2.6; new in 2.7. HL7 version 2 specifications [1] HL7 v2.7 (final draft, January 2009)[2] HL7 2.8 (final draft, September 2011) Free Programming Toolkits Java HAPI (probably the best free toolkit).net HAPI Blog on using HAPI in .net PERL HL7v2 APIRuby HL7 libraryPython libraryOpen eHealth Integration Platform (IPF) Groovy based DSL. Free Toolkits NuleHL7 InspectorQuickView HL7v2 Viewer and Editor.NIST testing toolkitHL7 on SourceForge Search results Statistics Number of messages per Patient Visit v2.XML Latest v2.XML Schema Example HL7 v2 Implementation Guides Vaccination message implementation guide (based on v2.3.1) Immunization Message Examples IHE HL7 version 2 based profiles: e.g. Radiology, Demographics data (ITI - PIX, PDQ, PAM). Blogs CorepointHealth Blog (ex-Neotool)HL7 v2 Technocrati RSS Searchv2.XML mapping to other XML Blogpost about using a toolkit to auto generate Java/C code for XML mappings. Bookmark Sites HL7 v2 or HL7 2.x bookmarks on del.icio.usV3:http://hl7book.net/index.php?title=HL7_version_3
HL7 version 3 From Hl7book Jump to: navigation, search
The HL7 version 3 standard has the aim to support any and all healthcare workflows. It consists of an elaborate set of ready-to-implement models (for messages, documents, or services) created using the HL7 Development Framework (HDF). These models are based on the object-oriented Reference Model (RIM) based HDF, which is an integral part of the standard. The RIM expresses the data content needed in a specific clinical or administrative context and provides an explicit representation of the semantic and lexical connections that exist between the information carried in HL7 messages, documents or services. The HDF, which is loosely based on the UML, documents the processes, tools, actors, rules, and artifacts relevant to development of all HL7 version 3 standard specifications.
Understanding HL7v3 Implementing HL7v3 Other Topics Starters High level overview. Management style overview about HL7, v2 and v3.Blog: HL7v3 PrimerHL7v3 overviewHL7 v3 RIM IntroductionBlog: Review. Brief review of the core elements of v3.CDA - page similar to this one about the HL7v3 Clinical Document Architecture standard. Advanced HL7 v3 Guide (published as part of the standard). Somewhat out of date; does however describe all core elements in detail.HL7 version 3 - The standard itselfUnderstanding v3. Book detailing the core of the HDF and the essentials of the RIM.Whitepaper: comparison of v2/v3 examples. Shows the structure of HL7 v3 messages using equivalent v2 examples.