

out_name = outclass_name()
in_name = out_name.inclass_name()

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): print("I am chinese") def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method")jack = People.Chinese()

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): name ="I am a Chinese." def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method")jack = People.Chinese() #外部类调用内部类print jack.name #外部类调用内部类对象


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): name ="I am a Chinese." def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method")ren = People() #实例化外部类jack = ren.Chinese() #实例化内部类print jack.name #打印内部类属性或print People.Chinese.nameprint People.Chinese().name魔术方法:






#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): name ="I am a Chinese." def __str__(self): return "This is People class" def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method")ren = People() #实例化外部类print ren #默认执行__str__


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): name ="I am a Chinese." def __str__(self): return "This is People class" def __init__(self,c='white'): #类实例化时自动执行 self.color = c self.think() def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method")jack = People('green')ren = People() #实例化外部类print ren.color #通过对象访问属性是初始化后的值print People.color #通过类访问还是原来的值 [root@localhost 20180110]# python test1.py I am a black I am a thinker30blackyellow


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): name ="I am a Chinese." def __str__(self): return "This is People class" def __init__(self,c='white'): #类实例化时自动执行 print ("initing...") self.color = c self.think() f = open('test.py') def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method") def __del__(self): print ("del....") self.f.close()jack = People('green')ren = People() #实例化外部类print ren.color #通过对象访问属性是初始化后的值print People.color #通过类访问还是原来的值 垃圾回收机制:


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' __age = 30 #私有属性 class Chinese(object): name ="I am a Chinese." def __str__(self): return "This is People class" def __init__(self,c='white'): #类实例化时自动执行 print ("initing...") self.color = c self.think() f = open('test.py') def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker") print self.__age def __talk(self): print "I am talking with Tom" @classmethod #调用类的方法 def test(self): print ("this is class method") @staticmethod #调用类的方法 def test1(): print ("this is static method") def __del__(self): print ("del....") self.f.close()print gc.collect() 如果是0是没有回收的。jack = People('green')ren = People() #实例化外部类print ren.color #通过对象访问属性是初始化后的值print People.color #通过类访问还是原来的值 2.类的继承类的继承


继承可以重用已经存在的数据和行为,减少代码的重复编写,Python在类名后使用一对括号来表示继承关系,括号中的即类为父类class Myclass(ParentClass),如果父类定义了__init__方法,子类必须显式调用父类的__init__方法,ParentClass.__init__(self,[args...])如果子类需要扩展父类的行为,可以添加__init__方法的参数.

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' def think(self): self.color = "black" print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker")class Chinese(People): passcn = Chinese()print cn.colorcn.think()父类中有构造函数:#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' def __init__(self): print "Init..." self.dwell = 'Earth' def think(self): print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker")class Chinese(People): passcn = Chinese()print cn.dwellcn.think()


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' def __init__(self,c): print "Init..." self.dwell = 'Earth' def think(self): print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker")class Chinese(People): def __init__(self): People.__init__(self,'red') passcn = Chinese()Super 函数

class A(object): def __init__(self): print "enter A" print "leave A"class B(object): def __init__(self): print "enter B" super(B,self),__init__() print "leave B"b = B()

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' def __init__(self,c): print "Init..." self.dwell = 'Earth' def think(self): print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker")class Chinese(People): def __init__(self): super(Chinese,self).__init__('red') passcn = Chinese()cn.think()

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' def __init__(self,c): print "Init..." self.dwell = 'Earth' def think(self): print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("I am a thinker")class Chinese(People): def __init__(self): super(Chinese,self).__init__('red') def talk(self): print "I like taking."cn = Chinese()cn.think()cn.talk()多重继承

Python支持多重继承,第一个类可以继承多个父类语法:class class_name(Parent_c1,Parent_c2,...)注意:当父类中出现多个自定义的__init__的方法时,多重继承,只执行第一个累的__init_方法,其他不执行。

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): color = 'yellow' def __init__(self): print "Init..." self.dwell = 'Earth' def think(self): print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("My home is %s ") % self.dwellclass Martian(object): color = 'red' def __init__(self): self.dwell = 'Martian'class Chinese(People,Martian): def __init__(self): People.__init__(self)cn = Chinese()cn.think()

#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-class People(object): def __init__(self): self.dwell = 'Earth' self.color = 'yellow' def think(self): print "I am a %s " % self.color print ("My home is %s ") % self.dwellclass Martian(object): color = 'red' def __init__(self): self.dwell = 'Martian' def talk(self): print "I like talking"class Chinese(Martian,People): def __init__(self): People.__init__(self)cn = Chinese()cn.think()cn.talk()