




0. 如何定时


// user settingconst SIGN_IN_TIME = "09:30:00"; // 签到时间const SIGN_OUT_TIME = "20:00:00"; // 签退时间// code implementationlogTime("code start running");const now = new Date();const today = now.getFullYear() + "-" + (now.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + now.getDate();var signInTime = +new Date(`${today} ${SIGN_IN_TIME}`);logTime("signInTime", new Date(signInTime));var signOutTime = +new Date(`${today} ${SIGN_OUT_TIME}`);logTime("signOutTime", new Date(signOutTime));// diff in or outif (now > signInTime && now < signOutTime) { // ready to sign out for today console.log("Seconds to sign out for today: " + (signOutTime - now) / 1000); setTimeout(callback, signOutTime - now);} else { // ready to sign in for tomorrow signInTime = +signInTime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000; console.log("Seconds to sign in for tomorrow: " + (signInTime - now) / 1000); setTimeout(callback, signInTime - now);}function logTime(str, time = new Date()) { console.log(`${str} -> ${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}:${time.getSeconds()}`);}

1. 定时自动打开网站


const open = require('open');logTime("Start Runing");// user settingconst SIGN_IN_TIME = "09:30:00";const SIGN_OUT_TIME = "20:20:00";// code implementationconst openBrowser = async () => { await open('');};logTime("code start running");const now = new Date();const today = now.getFullYear() + "-" + (now.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + now.getDate();var signInTime = +new Date(`${today} ${SIGN_IN_TIME}`);logTime("signInTime", new Date(signInTime));var signOutTime = +new Date(`${today} ${SIGN_OUT_TIME}`);logTime("signOutTime", new Date(signOutTime));// diff in or outif (now > signInTime && now < signOutTime) { // ready to sign out for today console.log("Seconds to sign out for today: " + (signOutTime - now) / 1000); setTimeout(openBrowser, signOutTime - now);} else { // ready to sign in for tomorrow signInTime = +signInTime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000; console.log("Seconds to sign in for tomorrow: " + (signInTime - now) / 1000); setTimeout(openBrowser, signInTime - now);}function logTime(str, time = new Date()) { console.log(`${str} -> ${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}:${time.getSeconds()}`);}

2. 自动登录


(function() { 'use strict'; // login document.querySelector("#loginid").value = "用户名"; document.querySelector("#userpassword").value = "密码"; document.querySelector("#login").click();})();

3. 定时点击按钮


(function() { 'use strict'; // user setting const SIGN_IN_TIME = "09:00:00"; const SIGN_OUT_TIME = "21:00:00"; // code implementation logTime("code start running"); const now = new Date(); const today = now.getFullYear()+"-"+(now.getMonth()+1)+"-"+now.getDate(); var signInTime = +new Date(`${today} ${SIGN_IN_TIME}`); logTime("signInTime", new Date(signInTime)); var signOutTime = +new Date(`${today} ${SIGN_OUT_TIME}`); logTime("signOutTime", new Date(signOutTime)); // diff in or out if(now > signInTime && now < signOutTime) { // ready to sign out for today console.log("Seconds to sign out for today: " + (signOutTime - now)/1000); setTimeout(signInorSignOut, signOutTime - now); } else { // ready to sign in for tomorrow signInTime = +signInTime + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000; console.log("Seconds to sign in for tomorrow: " + (signInTime - now)/1000); setTimeout(signInorSignOut, signInTime - now); } // signInorSignOut function signInorSignOut(){ logTime(`signInButton clicked!`); // 重点就在这儿了,找到网站的签到按钮#signInButton,并触发他的点击事件 document.querySelector("#signInButton").click(); } function logTime(str, time=new Date()){ console.log(`${str} -> ${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}:${time.getSeconds()}`); }})();

4. 结束


node timer.js
