#include <boost/asio.hpp>
./a.out 2>out.log
sudo apt-get install graphviz
perl handlerviz.pl < out.log | dot -Tpng > out.png


out.log格式解释,请参考 https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_47_0/doc/html/boost_asio/overview/core/handler_tracking.html

Each line is of the form:


The <tag> is always @asio, and is used to identify and extract the handler tracking messages from the program output.

The <timestamp> is seconds and microseconds from 1 Jan 1970 UTC.

The <action> takes one of the following forms:


The program entered the handler number n. The <description> shows the arguments to the handler.


The program left handler number n.


The program left handler number n due to an exception.


The handler number n was destroyed without having been invoked. This is usually the case for any unfinished asynchronous operations when the io_service is destroyed.


The handler number n created a new asynchronous operation with completion handler number m. The <description> shows what asynchronous operation was started.


The handler number n performed some other operation. The <description> shows what function was called. Currently only close() and cancel() operations are logged, as these may affect the state of pending asynchronous operations.

Where the <description> shows a synchronous or asynchronous operation, the format is <object-type>@<pointer>.<operation>. For handler entry, it shows a comma-separated list of arguments and their values.

As shown above, Each handler is assigned a numeric identifier. Where the handler tracking output shows a handler number of 0, it means that the action was performed outside of any handler.