
$ git config branch.master.rebase true

$ git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always


git remote prune origin


一、git clone

第一种:git clone <repository> <directory> 克隆的相当于工作区。

第二种:git clone --bare <repository> <directory> 克隆的是祼版本库,gerrit 和gitlab上获取项目用的就是这个命令。

第三种:git clone --mirror <repository> <directory> 也是祼版本库,区别于第二种是,对上游版本进行了注册,可以用git fetch命令持续同步。

git clone ssh://admin@

二、git add

git add .

git add -A [<path>]表示把<path>中所有tracked文件中被修改过或已删除文件和所有untracted的文件信息添加到索引库。

git add file //这种用法是比较推荐的

三、git commit

git commit -m "msg"

git commit --amend //对上一次提交的补充,不生成新的提交id(如果是gerrit,也不生成changeId);

git commit -C commit //引用commit 的提交信息。

四、git push <远程主机名> <本地分支名>:<远程分支名>

4.1 git push origin master:master //是指将本地分支master推送到远程(origin)master分支上,当第一次提交项目,这是必须的。也可以写成git push origin master

4.2 git push origin tagName //提交tag


git tag A -m "add a"

git push origin A

Counting objects: 4, done.

Delta compression using up to 4 threads.

Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.

Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 454 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.

Total 4 (delta 0), reused 2 (delta 0)

remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done

To ssh://yinzhibin@

* [new tag] A -> A


4.3 git push origin --delete tagName 删除tag //gitlib 好用,gerrit目前不能用


git push origin --delete A

To https://git.oschina.net/ygnup/alert.git

- [deleted] A


4.4 git push origin branchName:branchName //提交分支branchName到分支上去


git branch mtest

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git push origin mtest:mtest

Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

remote: Processing changes: closed: 53, refs: 1, done

To ssh://yinzhibin@

* [new branch] mtest -> mtest


4.5 git push origin :branchName 或 git push origin --delete branchName //删除分支, //gitlib 好用,gerrit目前不能用


git branch -a


* master

remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master



bogon:alert yin197$ git push origin :m

To https://git.oschina.net/ygnup/alert.git

- [deleted] m


五、git reset

1.git reset [-q] [&lt;commit&gt;] [--] &lt;paths&gt; ...

如果包含路径,不会重置引用,更不会改变工作区,而是用指定的提交状态(&lt;commit&gt;)下的文件 替换掉暂存区的文件。


git rev-parse HEAD origin/master



bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git reset b7594472f3e4a34129277ebf74ca5fd520daba70 -- a

Unstaged changes after reset:

M a

2.git reset [--soft | --maxed | --hard | --merge | --keep ] [-q] [&lt;commit&gt; ]

3.git reset commitId .替换引用指向,替换缓存区。


git rev-parse HEAD origin/master



bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch master

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 5 commits.

(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working directory clean

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git reset b7594472f3e4a34129277ebf74ca5fd520daba70

Unstaged changes after reset:

M a

D b

D c

D d

D e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD origin/master



bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch master

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:

(use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)

(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified: a

deleted: b

deleted: c

deleted: d

deleted: e

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls


4.git reset --soft commitId ,只替换引用。


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch master

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 5 commits.

(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit, working directory clean

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master




bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git reset --soft b7594472f3e4a34129277ebf74ca5fd520daba70

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch master

Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:

(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

modified: a

deleted: b

deleted: c

deleted: d

deleted: e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master




5. git reset --hard commitId ,替换引用指向,替换缓存区,替换工作区。


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master




bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git reset --hard origin/master

HEAD is now at b759447 add e1

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

六、git checkout

1. git checkout [&lt;commit&gt;] [--] &lt;path&gt; ...

如果 commit 省略,相当于从暂存区中获取数据,替换工作区的指定文件。不会改变头指针。

如果 不省略commit,相当于从commit 拣出分支中的文件,替换掉暂存区和工作区。不会改变头指针。


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git reset --hard origin/master

HEAD is now at b759447 add e1

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git reset --hard 2b6bb7a810c8a8a89ea928b0e9e79914a98b902e

HEAD is now at 2b6bb7a ma

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git checkout b7594472f3e4a34129277ebf74ca5fd520daba70 -- b

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b

2.git checkout [&lt;branch&gt;]




bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git branch -a


* master



remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master





bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch master

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 5 commits.

(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Changes to be committed:

(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

new file: b

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git checkout good

Switched to branch 'good'

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch good

nothing to commit, working directory clean


3.git checkout [-b] &lt;new_branch&gt; [&lt;start_point&gt;]

该用法主要是创建分支 new_branch,以start_point创建提交开始,同时切换到new_branch分支上。

七、git stash

git stash //用于保存当前工作区文件和暂存区文件状态到内存中,以便于执行其他分支任务,待其他任务执行完成后,可恢复。

git stash pop //恢复上次保存的工作进度。


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git checkout good

Switched to branch 'good'

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch good

nothing to commit, working directory clean

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ vim f

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git add f

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ echo good >> f

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git status

On branch good

Changes to be committed:

(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

new file: f

Changes not staged for commit:

(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)

(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified: f

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git stash

Saved working directory and index state WIP on good: 2ac3c1d m e

HEAD is now at 2ac3c1d m e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git checkout master

Switched to branch 'master'

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 5 commits.

(use "git push" to publish your local commits)

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git checkout mb

Switched to branch 'mb'

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git checkout good

Switched to branch 'good'

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ ls

a b c d e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git stash pop

On branch good

Changes to be committed:

(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

new file: f

Dropped refs/stash@{0} (c9c49262bdef9cfe1382c87d3a2b117ed7ebeb0d)


八、git fetch 和 git pull

git fetch <==> git fetch origin +refsheads/*:refs/remote/origin/* //将远程版本库的所有分支复制为本地远程分支。

git fetch origin/master //从远程的origin的master主分支下载最新的版本到origin/master分支上

//只会覆盖本地 origin/master 分支,本地master ,HEAD 引用都不发生变化。


bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master




bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git fetch

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master




bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git fetch origin master

From ssh://

* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master




git pull origin/master = git fetch origin/master + git merge origin/master

九、git rebase 和 git merge [[http://gitbook.liuhui998.com/4_2.html]]

git rebase --onto newbase since till

基于newbase 提交,从 since提交 但不包括since 到 till提交做一个顺序的重复提交。

相当于 以下几个步骤:

1.git checkout newbase //相当于git reset --hard newbase

2.将since 到 till的所有版本在newbase依次提交,不包含since,但包含till.

如果遇到冲突会中止,先解决冲突,再提交。再执行git rebase --continue



bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git log --oneline -10

fadb845 add e

ef2c6a6 add d

e18d3e3 add c

839b69f add b

2b6bb7a ma

fe70ae9 mj

b7d3290 ma

b369e44 add a

a7b8d45 del abcde

b759447 add e1

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git rebase --onto B C E

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...

Applying: add d

Applying: add e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git log --oneline -10

f6bb914 add e

f986796 add d

839b69f add b

2b6bb7a ma

fe70ae9 mj

b7d3290 ma

b369e44 add a

a7b8d45 del abcde

b759447 add e1

39988d5 add e

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$

十、git log

git log --oneline --decorate //可以看到提交对应的tag及其他引用。

git log --graph --pretty=oneline | head -5 //会显示和分支合并情况

git log --pretty=oneline -5 只显示5行。

git reflog --oneline | head -5 //查看当前引用的记录

十一、git branch

git branch -r //查看远程分支

git show-ref //查看所有本地分支

git ls-remote //查看远程分支

git branch -a 查看所有分支

git branch -D br //强制删除本地分支

git push origin the_branch //向远程推送分支

git push origin :the_branch //删除远程 the_branch,在分git上可用,gerrit上现在有问题。

git branch newbranch //创建分支

git checkout -b newbranch master <==> git branch newbranch && git checkout master

git branch -m oldbranch newbranch //修改分支名称,如果有其他分支引用,则修改失败。这时可以用 -M参数

git branch -M oldbranch newbranch //强制修改分支名称

git push origin mb:mb //向远程推送分支

十二、git tag

git tag //显示tag列表

git tag tag_name -m "tag msg" //打tag

git tag -a production_v6 -m '说明' : 打一个标签 , 作为记录

git push origin tag tag_name //推送到远程服务器 也可以用 git push origin tag_name

git tag -D tag_name //删除本地tag

git push origin --delete tag tag_name //删除远程tag

git ls-remote --tags : 列出服务器所有的标签

十三、git remote

git remote -v //查看origin 地址

git remote update //更新远程版本库

git remote prune origin //刷新本地远程分支,当本地分支在远程不存在时,会被清空。[[http://www.cnblogs.com/wangiqngpei557/p/6058115.html?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral]]

git remote show origin //来查看有关于origin的一些信息,包括分支是否tracking

十四、git rev-parse

查看指定分支的提交Id ,如:git rev-parse HEAD master origin/master

十五、git config


git config --global user.name "zhangsan"

git config --global user.email "123456@qq.com"


git config remote.origin.push refs/heads/*:refs/for/*

git config branch.&lt;branchname&gt;.rebase true // 为分支设置git pull 命令执行的是 git rebase命令。

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always

bogon:test_gerrit yin197$ git pull

First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...

Applying: add a

Applying: ma

Applying: mj

Applying: ma

Applying: add b

Applying: add c

Applying: add d

Applying: add e

意思是git push 命令相当于执行:

git push 相当于执行: git push refs/heads/*:refs/for/* ,是将本地分支 refs/heads/* 的分支,提交到远程分支 refs/for/*

也可以编辑文件:git config -e --global

十六、git cherry-pick

git cherry-pick <commit> //用指定分支与当前分支自动合并,如果不冲突,生成新的提交id,如果冲突,解决冲突,手动提交,生成新的提交id.