Telerik版本升级Telerik Reporting
There are two kinds of Telerik Reporting versions -majorandminor. Major versions such asQ3 2013,Q1 2014, etc. can coexist simultaneously on the same machine. Minor versions are also known asService Packs. There can be only a single major or minor version from the same Q installed on the machine, i.e. if you have versionQ1 2014already installedand a Service Pack is released (let's sayQ1 2014 SP1), when you install it the installer will uninstallQ1 2014for you.
Telerik Reporting 分主要、次要两种类型的版本。
主要版本的版本号通常命名为Q3 2013,Q1 2014,各个版本可以共存在同一台机器上。
次要版本的版本好通常命名为Q1 2014 SP1 ,要安装次要版本时必须卸载(会自动卸载)相同的主板本号的文件。