#include <stdio.h>#define OK 1#define ERR 0#define LIST_INIT_SIZE 100#define LIST_INCREMENT 10#define ElemType chartypedef struct {} SqList;{ if(NULL == aList->elem)return ERR; aList->listSize = LIST_INIT_SIZE; aList->length = 0; return OK;}{ int i; if( index<0 || index>aList->length ){ printf("Error : Insert %c to wrong position %dn",e,index); } if( aList->listSize <= aList->length ) { if(NULL == aList->elem) return ERR; aList->listSize += LIST_INCREMENT; } printf("Insert %c to position %dn",e,index ); i = aList->length; while(i>index) { aList->elem[i] = aList->elem[i-1]; i--; } aList->elem[index] = e; aList->length++; return OK;}{ int i = index; if(i<0 || i>=aList->length)return ERR; i = index; while(i<aList->length-1) { aList->elem[i] = aList->elem[i+1]; i++; } aList->length--; return OK;}int ListTraverse(SqList aList){ int i=0; while(i < aList.length){ printf("%ct",aList.elem[i]); i++; } printf("n"); return OK;}{ SqList aList ; char element; int position; InitList( &aList ); while(1){ printf("Please input element and position to insert in (input ; to quit) :n"); scanf("%1s,%d",&element,&position); if(';' == element) break; ListInsert(&aList,element,position); } ListDelete(&aList,&element,0); ListTraverse(aList); printf("length :%d . n",aList.length); return OK;}